Chapter Seven: Horseplay at the Pool

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Chapter Seven: Horseplay at the Pool

The morning after the dance was brutal. My eyes were practically glued shut from the dried tears from the night before. I knew it was irrational to cry so much over the guys, but I guess cared more than I wanted to. I couldn’t help how my heart felt.

Taking a deep breath and rubbing my eyes, I decided that running would be a good way to clear my mind for an hour or so. I quickly slipped into my workout clothes and made my way outside. While stretching outside on the patio, I heard someone running towards my direction. I smiled as I saw Blake’s figure in the distance.

“Hey, Mel. How was your sleep?” Blake stopped when he finally reached me.

I gave him a big smile back. This was the first time he initiated a conversation between the two of us. “It was nice. When did you wake up? You seem to always be out here.”

“I got up at around 6:30, which means I got about five of sleep last night. I don’t know why, but my body doesn’t need a lot of sleep in order to function.” He grinned at me.

“Wow. I need sleep or else I might die in the middle of the day,” I said in awe. When I finished stretching, we started to run together. Our footsteps fell into sync and we made our way around the house.

“So, what did you think of the dance last night?” I realized that Blake was discreetly trying to ask me why I started to cry.

“It was really fun up until the end,” I answered, struggling to think of an excuse to why I was crying. “I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly started to think about home. I missed my mom and my best friend. It just seems so foreign over here. I have yet to get used to everything.”

He nodded and accepted my response, “I know exactly how it feels to be thrown into a world that is so different from your old one. It definitely is a bit overwhelming at first, but you get used to it eventually, especially if other people are there for you. I had Karter and Pierce with me, and you know that I will be there for you.” I looked into my eyes.

I smiled warmly at him. I felt a little uncomfortable with the intensity in his eyes, so I shifted my focus on the road in front of me, “Thank you so much. That means a lot to me, and I’m glad I can count on you.” Unlike the other guys in this house, I added in my head.

The conversation flowed into a topic that was much less serious, and Blake went back to being his humorous self that I discovered last night. Before I would have never thought I could carry a conversation with him with no awkward pauses but he obviously proved me wrong. He was actually really fun and nice to talk to.

“You know, you are actually an okay runner. I would never have guessed that,” Blake commented as we made our way back to the mansion, walking past the pool. The sun just rose, and the rays of light hit the water. The reflections of light created a playful, dancing light show.

“And why is that?” I asked skeptically.

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