Chapter Ten: A Halo Date

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Chapter Ten: A Halo Date

I sat in the closet still unsure of what to make of that little exchange between Siri and Pierce. All I got from it was that Siri didn't want Pierce to talk to a girl that was possibly me. And that Pierce did something that he didn't want Chief to know about. My head hurt from just trying to figure out what it was.

Thinking about everything for a while, I realized that I might’ve seriously misjudged Pierce. I never thought that someone could blackmail him like that. It just seems like he is the type of guy who would always be in charge. Maybe that's why he is so mean to me.

But then again, maybe he did do something really awful. Siri could have a valid point in using it against him. Although she was the one that seemed like a total bitch, maybe her actions were nothing bad compared to Pierce’s.

UGH!! I don’t know! Everything is just so confusing. This whole place messes with my mind, and I definitely need to get out of the house sometime soon.

Finally, I forced my hands and legs to move. Slowly crawling out of the closet, I stayed close to the ground, making sure no one else was in the room or out in the hallway. It would be bad if I was caught listening to Pierce and Siri talk.

I made my way to the door of the room and looked back. I sighed and made a mental note to come back here another time and spend some alone time with my parents. It just seemed so serene and peaceful.

Standing up and wiping my hands off on my pants, I silently closed the door behind me. I crept back down the stairs and walked around the house to my room. Right as I passed the lounge area, I heard someone say my name.

“Mel! It feels like I never see you anymore!” Karter’s voice called out from behind me.

I turned around and plastered a fake smile on my face. Truthfully, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment. “Hey, Karter! It does feel like a long time. Are you playing video games again?”

“You know me too well,” he joked as he patted the empty space on the couch next to him while setting down his game controller. “Come join me. I’m lonely.”

Reluctantly, I slowly walked to where he was sitting and plopped down next to him. It’s not that I don’t like Karter, it was far from that, it was just that my head was a mess and I have no idea what to make of this whole new life at the mansion.

“So, what’s up with you today?” he asked me. I thought about telling him about the conversation I overheard, but I had a feeling that I really shouldn’t. There was something really fishy about it, and I’m sure Pierce wouldn’t want Karter to know about it.

“Not much. I just wandered around the house and talked to Chief. He’s a really nice person.” I commented, and he nodded in response. “What about you?”

“Well, my day was very boring…up until now,” he grinned and winked at me. “But in all seriousness, I have to ask you a question.” His voice suddenly got a lot deeper.

I looked at him and nodded, willing him to continue. When he paused for a bit, I encouraged him even more. I was curious to find out what he was thinking. “Sure, what’s up?”

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