Chapter Twenty-Three: Don't Crack Under Pressure

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Don’t Crack Under Pressure

“Mel,” I heard my mother call from downstairs. “Someone is here to see you!”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Who would visit me at this ungodly hour?? I groaned as I looked at the alarm clock next to my head. The red digits read 6:00am. Pushing myself up with my two hands, I sat up on my bed. My brown, curly hair fell into my face and I pushed it back while standing up.

Before I could put any decent clothes on over my skimpy tank top and cloth shorts, a person barged into my room. I saw a frenzy of red hair a second later, and I was pushed down onto the floor with a surprising force.

“Melanie Cartwright!! You are so dead to me!!” Jessica’s voice screeched out on the top of her lungs.

After getting over the initial shock, I started laughing out loud. However, she was crushing me, since she landed on top of me. I tickled her in order to get her off of me, but I earned a punch in the face because of her flailing.

“OH MY GOD!! I AM SO SORRY!!” Jessica jumped off of me and pulled me to my feet. “Did I give you a black eye? Bloody nose?” Her hands fluttered over my face, making sure I wasn’t hurt.

“Calm down, Jessica! I can’t even keep up with your talking anymore!”

Suddenly, Pierce comes running into my room. We looked at each other in confusion for a second before bursting out in laughter. Jessica, on the other hand, was speechless.

“I thought I heard someone screaming and a loud crash in this room,” He raised his eyebrow at Jessica after he finished laughing. “Now I understand. I’ll leave you two alone.” Flashing his signature smirk, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Jessica didn’t move since he came into the room. Her mouth gaped open, and I could see drool coming out of it. Happily, I slapped her upside the head.

“Whaa…?” She slowly fell out of her daze.

“Eyes off. He’s mine.” I joked with her.

“Are you kidding me??” Jessica finally met my eyes. “Did you seriously live in a mansion with THREE guys who are beyond gorgeous??”

“Well…I guess so,” I shrugged nonchalantly. “You know what Karter looks like, and you now know what Pierce looks like. You can just imagine what Blake looks like.”

She gave me a death glare, “Why does everything wonderful happen to you??”

“Well…it all comes with drama. It’s not as great as you think.” I sighed as I thought about the newspaper article from a few days ago.

“Aww. I’m sorry,” Jess pulled me into a hug. I smiled as I realized how much I actually missed this girl. “Anyways, I have to go.”

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