Chapter Thirty-Four: The New CEO

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Chapter Thirty-Four: The New CEO

After ten minutes of talking to us, Chief slowly dozed off to sleep. I looked down worriedly at his sleeping figure. His once strong face was now vulnerable and hollow. A shadow fell across his features and saw that he was really frail and skinny. How much was he eating?

Turning around, I saw the same sad expressions on the guys’ faces. They all knew that something was terribly wrong, and we all wanted to do something to fix it. But we just didn’t know how to. How can we possibly help him if doctors can’t?

I turned around and quietly made my way out of Chief’s bedroom. Blake quickly followed behind. Like me, I guess he couldn’t handle seeing Chief like that.

While standing outside his door, I leaned against the wall waiting for the Karter and Pierce to come out. I pressed my face into my hands and tried to block out the world. Why is everything going to badly right now? First Blake, then Pierce, and now Chief? All our lives were ruined in the past month.

Silent tears began to leak out of my eyes. I was surprised I had more tears left in my body. After crying for Pierce, I was sure that my tear ducts were all dried out. A small gasp left my body as I tried to get some air through my cries.

I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. Looking up, I saw a worried Blake. Gently, he pulled me in and made my head rest against his chest.

“Shhh,” he cooed. “Everything will be alright.”

“How do you know?” I managed to get out between my gasps.

He started to stroke my hair. After a moment of silence between us, he sighed. “I don’t.”

The words stuck a chord within my heart. Even though he had no idea what was going to happen, he had hope. And that’s something that I needed the most right now. Crying will not solve the problem. Slowly, my tears dried and I was able to stand up on my own. Before leaving Blake’s embrace, I gave him a quick hug back.

“C’mon. Karter and Pierce already left.” Blake gently steered me towards the lounge.

“They did?”

“Yeah, you probably didn’t notice. They slipped past us when you were still crying.”

“Oh,” I muttered, slightly embarrassed.

We turned the corner when we reached the top of the stairs and walked into the lounge. Karter and Pierce were sitting silently on the long couch across the TV. Blake sat on the loveseat while I made my way over to the oversized bean bag.

No one knew what to say, now that we just saw Chief. I think that we all expected this to be a trap and that everything was okay. But knowing that Chief was actually sick, it was hard for the information to sink in.

“Does anyone else find this situation really…strange?” Pierce spoke up, causing me to jump. It was so silent before, and his sudden comment surprised me. “I mean, he was perfectly fine a few months ago!”

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