Chapter Nineteen: Bringing in the New Year

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Chapter Nineteen: Bringing in the New Year

My body was thrown forward as Evander slammed on the brake as hard as he could. Instead of crashing into my window, the black car hit the front of our car with a loud crunch.

I looked around me and realized that Siri and Evander were both okay. There were no injuries, so I let out a sigh of relief.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!” Evander yelled in fury as he tried to make out who was in the black car. “Stay in the car, you two.” He quickly got out of the car and twisted his head around, as if to see what was going on.

Red and blue lights quickly flashed around us and the piercing sound of sirens blocked out all other sounds. Siri and I huddled together in the backseat as we saw a police officer walk up to Evander. After several minutes of talking, Evander motioned for us to get out of the car.

“So Chief was notified about this a few minutes ago, and he sent Pierce over to come and pick you two up. I’m staying here to fix up this whole mess.” Evander walked to the back of the car and popped up the trunk. “And don’t forget your dresses. I will see you two tonight.”

Right as he finished his sentence, Pierce’s car screeched up next to us. He quickly ran out of the car towards us. Looking at his expression, I could tell that he was worried. But when we finally made eye contact, his body noticeable relaxed. We shared a brief smile, it was so nice seeing him here.

“Pierce!! Baby! I’m so glad you are here! You have no idea how scared I was.” Siri ran up to him and snuggled into his chest. Pierce wrapped his arms around Siri after a few moments of hesitation. He met my eyes and gave me a apologetic look.

Even though I knew his actions for Siri was fake, I was still hurt by the sight. Not knowing what to do, I made my way towards his car.

Jokingly, but with a hint of jealously I called out, “Can you please unlock this car, you two lovebirds?”

Pierce quickly pulled out of the embrace and turned to unlock the car. I climbed into the car immediately, without looking back at him.

The car ride was silent, and Siri sat in shotgun, next to Pierce. The whole time, I sulked about how I couldn’t even talk to Pierce….not that I had anything to say to him anyways. When we finally pulled up to the mansion, I grabbed my shopping bag and fled the scene. I’m sure Pierce gave me a weird look, but he’s going to have to deal with that. I’m not in the mood to accept Siri’s flirting.

I ran up to my room and opened the door with too much energy. The door slammed on the inside wall, which make a giant sound.

“Aww. Someone isn’t in a good mood today,” a voice cooed from inside my room. “Little diva, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

“Lukas!!” I yelled and ran into his awaiting arms. “I missed you!! I haven’t seen you since the last dance, which was about three months ago!”

“I know, darling. I know. It has been too long.” He waved me off as he walked about the room, leafing through my stuff. Finally he came back and started to inspect me. “And I can tell that your hair misses me too…almost too much.” He picked up a handful of my limp, style-less hair and let it fall back into place again.

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