Chapter Eleven: A Midautumn Festival

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Chapter Eleven: A Midautumn Festival

I felt the rays of sun shining on my face, making my skin flush with warmth. Suddenly, the mattress on either side of my pillow sunk down. Refusing to open my eyes to see what was going on, I sleepily moaned in protest.

I heard a slight chuckle and gasped when someone breathed into my ear, “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes to see Blake’s eyes boring into mine. His face hovered a feet above my own, and his arms supported his upper body from either side of my pillow.

“You didn’t run this morning,” he commented, obviously amused by me being in my groggy state of mind.

I looked at him more closely. It was obvious he just came back from his morning jog. His arm and face was slightly shiny from sweat, but instead of making him look gross and unclean, it made him look sexier. Of course. He was always perfect like that. “I guess I was just saving my energy for later on in this day,” I responded when I remembered that we were going on a date.

My response was rewarded with a grin as Blake slowly pushed himself up and stood straight. He ran his hand through his already messy dirty blond hair, “Okay then. Let’s not waste any more of this day. I’ll take a shower and meet you downstairs in an hour.”

“Fine,” I slowly sat up in bed and raised my arms above my head and arched my back, as if I was reaching for the sky. After hearing a little pop from my back, I sighed and brought my hands down. “Is there a dress code? Formal? Casual?”

“Just wear normal clothes. Nothing too formal,” He responded and gave me a mysterious smirk. And with that, he left the room, making me wonder what we were going to do on our date.

After taking a shower and putting on a pair of dark wash jeans and a simple blue and white striped t-shirt, I made my way down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Blake and Pierce sitting at the table.

“Good morning,” I said chirpily, testing to see if I would get a response out of Pierce. From that conversation yesterday, I assumed that he wouldn’t even acknowledge me. I was right.

“Grab something quick to eat, and we’ll head off soon.” Blake smiled and got up. He pulled a chair out and pushed it in as I sat down. I guess chivalry isn’t dead.

I grinned to myself as Blake sat back down in his own seat. After eating breakfast, Blake and I left the room.

“Bye Pierce. Tell Chief that Mel and I aren’t going to be back until later tonight,” Blake yelled over his shoulder to Pierce.

“Sure thing. Have fun, you guys.” Pierce waved and grinned at Blake. Once again, he didn’t look over at me at all. So he was pretending that I didn’t exist at all. Fine, that’s cool with me. I’ll just have to do some more snooping myself…after this date, of course.

Blake opened the car door for me and closed it after I slid in. He was being such a gentleman, that sometimes it just felt a little awkward. I guess I’ll just have to get used to a guy who isn’t a jerk.

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