chapter 2

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Chapter 2
The buzz cut boy

Stiles pov:

"Alright let's see this thing" Scott lifts up his s shirt. Oh my god I reach out to touch it or at least see it. I mean come on this is seriously amazing and cool "whoa" Scott flinches back "it was to dark to see anything but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf" my eyes go wide no way. "A wolf bit you?" "Mhm" I look at him in disbelief "no not a chance"  I say as I laugh a little "I heard a wolf howling" I look at him while still walking.

"No you didn't." I say in all seriousness "what do you mean no I didn't? How do you know what I heard" he looked at me in disbelief is he serious right now does he seriously not know that there hasn't been wolf's in beacon hills in years. God sometimes I wonder how he would survive without me. "Because California doesn't have wolfs okay not in like 60 years" he just looks at me with that crooked jaw in confusion "really?" is he for real? "Yes really! There are no wolves in California Scott just looks away and looks back at me "well if you don't believe me about the wolves then you're definitely not going to believe when I tell you I found the body" my eyes widen "wha- are you kidding me?!" I ask with excitement.

"No I wish I'm gonna have not nightmares for a mounth" he says as he looks down at the ground I laugh a little"that is freaking awesome this is seriously gonna be the best thing that has happened to this town sense-" a certain brunette girl catches my eye the one and only Andrea martin aka the girl I've been in love with sense the 3rd grade "sense-"

Andreas pov:

"Since the birth of Andrea martin hey Andrea you look like your gonna ignore me" the boy behind me said I stop dead in my tracks "hey lyds I'll catch up with you soon" my sister just simply shrugged her shoulders and waved goodbye to me and walked off I turned around to see a brunette buzzcut boy he was pale he looked like he was about 5'10 he was cute really cute really walked over to them "hey" I said with a smile in my face the brunette with a buzzcut looked at his friend and then looked back at me. "Uh h-hey" he stuttered out "I'm Andrea and you guys are?" I asked with a smile on my face "we know who you are" the buzzcut boy said. My eyebrows furrowed "o-oh my god that sounded rude I'm sorry i- I just kinda like... nevermind I'm stiles and this is my buddy Scott"

Stiles cute name for a cute boy hmm I look at his beautiful brown eyes "stiles I like that name it's unique it was nice meeting you both we should definitely hang out or something you guys seem cool but I gotta get to class I'll see you guys later?" The boys look at each other in disbelief and confusion "uh i- uh y- yeah totally" stiles stuttered out "cool" I smile and walk off to my first class which is English.


As I enter English I see a familiar buzzcut brunette I go and sit in the seat behind him and go to get out a pen
You've got to be kidding me I can't believe I forgot a pen I tap stiles shoulder and he looks back at me with annoyance at first but then that annoyance turned into confusion and happy ness? "Hey do you have an extra pen?"  He looks at me and he turns around and looks behind him then looks back at me "i-uh yes!....I mean I mean yeah totally" he says as her reaches in his backpack and pulls out a pen and hands it to me "thanks" I smile at him he turns back around and looks at his friend.

"As you all know there was indeed a body found in the woods last night and I am sure your eger little minds are coming up with various scenarios to what happend but I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester" mr. Gipson says some people groan I pick up the paper and start to read it then the vice principal walks in with a brunette girl

"class this is our new student Allison Argent please do your best to make her feel welcome" he exclaims and then walks out just by looking at the brunette girl I could tell Lydia was gonna swipe her up. She walks to her seat awkwardly she sits in the seat behind scott, he hands her a pen she smiles awkwardly whispering a thanks I tap her shoulder she turns around to face me.

"Hey I'm Andrea martin your jacket is really cute by the way" I smiled at her "thanks, I'm Allison but you uh already knew that" she laughs awkwardly "your welcome and if you want you can come hang out with me and my sister after school" she smiled "that would be great I still have to find my locker and stuff also who's your sister?" "Trust me you'll know her when you see her and I'll help you" I smiled at her "thank you so much" she smiled back at me I nodded and class went on I could just feel that Allison argent and I were gonna be great friends.

Word count: 978 words

A/N: hey guys it's another chapter thank you guys so much for reading don't forget to vote and comment

Love you all

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