chapter 8

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Chapter 8

        (Episode 4)

                                         magic bullet

Andreas pov:

           I wake up with a smile on my face as I get out of bed and start to get ready for the day. As I'm doing my hair I hear a knock at my bedroom door "come in" I say the door opens. And reveals my sister there with a grin on her face "so... Drea how was last nighttt" she says dragging it on "it was good. How was your night?" I ask her "well it was good.... anything happen with biles?" She says. "His name is stiles not biles" I say as I roll my eyes "okay stiles whatever. Soooo did anything happen?" She says while leaning against the wall "yes something did happen" I can feel my cheeks start to heat up. She smirks at me "well are you gonna tell me or what" she exclaims "okay so we kissed and it got a little heated...." She gasps "Andrea Michael Martin did you finally lose it?!" She exclaims excitedly. My eyes widen in shock "w-what?! NO! I mean we just kissed... And things got a little heated but uh it stoped befor it could get any further..." I say while finishing up my hair she rolls her eyes "ughhhh...Drea that's so boring..." She tells me while getting up from my bed and walking over to me as she puts her hands on my shoulders "give him a little taste" she says while fixing my hair "i-i well we're not even together and we f I'm being honest..."

I sigh "I don't even know what we are" I say looking at her "we'll figure it out but I totally can see you guys together."she smiles and walks out. I look at my self in the mirror I hear another light knock on my door. I look at the door to see my mother standing at my door with a smile on her face "oh hunny you look beautiful" she says while entering my room "thanks" I say I've never really gotten along with my mom she always favors Lydia over me and she makes sure to show it Everytime I'm not close with my dad either he's to controlling and always finds a way to insult me and my sister. "So uh any boys?" My mom asks while sitting on my bed "yeah there's one but uh I'm gonna be late for school and Lydia is probably waiting for me so uh I gotta go" I say while grabbing my bag and phone and walking out I walk down stairs to see lydia "you ready to go" she asks. I nod my head in response

We get in her in her car and head to school. She pulls into the parking lot at school and parks we bother bet out and grab our bags as we shut the doors and she locks the doors. We start walking to the entrance of the school as we see Allison we greet her and we all start to walk to our first periods

        First period went by pretty fast. I still haven't seen stiles today. My mind starts to overthink. Maybe he's avoiding me what if he really doesn't like me and he was just saying that to make me feel better And her wanted to forget we kissed. Suddenly I feel two hands grip my shoulders flash backs of what Jacob tried to do went through my head and I flinch back and let out a small Yelp slip past my lips "woah Drea chill it's just me" Allie giggles as I sigh in relief I laugh a little "sorry Allie I've just been a little jumpy" I lie straight threw my teeth she only nods in return.

We hear the sound of heals heading straight towards us "hi ladies" my sisters smiles at us "hello Lydia" both say "so any plans for tonight?" She asks us I shake my head no as Allison speaks up "uh yeah...scots coming over later" she say while tucking a stran of hair behind her ear "Scott's coming over...tonight" Lydia asks "were only studying" she says while smiling and looking down Lydia looks over to me with a knowing look on her face before she speaks up "just studying never ends with just's like" she takes in a breath "getting into a hot tub" she says while heading up the stairs "wait so what are you saying?" She asks my sister while following her. I decided to speak up "she's saying...make sure he covers up" I explain to her "that's exactly what I'm saying" she just looks at us with a confused look on her face my sister rolls her eyes "hello Snowwhite we're talking about a condom" she say while laughing to her self as Allison eyes widen and she starts to laugh "are you kidding after one date?" She asks as we head up the stairs my sister scoffs "don't be a total prude give him a little taste" she exclaims " much is a little taste" she ask while looking down. I stop dead in my tracks "oh my gosh you really like him don't you?" I say with a smile on my face "well- I- just when I first moved here I said no boyfriends till college I just move to much but then I met him and he was different." She explains to us "i- I don't know I can't explain it." She say while blushing.

"I can" I chirp in "your falling in L. O. V. E" I giggle they both just smile at me "okay we will tell you exactly what to do... When is he coming over?" Lydia asks her. "Right after school." The bells rings as we finish telling Allie what to do.


                   The rest of the day goes one pretty quickly as I'm walking out the main doors I see a familiar brunette with a buzcut I quickly walk up to him before tapping his shoulders he turns around with wide eyes as he turns around to see me. I smile brightly at him "hey stiles I've been looking for you all day" I giggle a bit as I look up at him "oh... were?" He asks I nod in response "oh uhh okay..." I frown at his answer did I do something wrong? Oh my gosh maybe he doesn't really like me oh gosh how could I be so stupied.

Stiles pov:

         I see her frown as she puts her head down I can tell that she's thinking right now I have no clue why I'm being like this towards her she did nothing wrong. Then I hear her clear her throat "i- uh... Um d-did I do something wrong? Is this about the thing that happend last night? If you wanted to forget about you could've just said so" she says while crossing her arms and looking down. My eyes widen Oh god- oh my does she really think that "no you didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry Drea I'm not in a good mood right now and I shouldn't have been cold to you especially after what happened last night I really like you I do" I say as I grab her hands she looks up and smiles at me "I'm glad to hear that thank you stiles but uh yeah uh alright I think Lydia is waiting for me I'll text you" she says while blushing as she scurries away.

Andreas pov:

         I see my sister's car. I walk towards her car and get in she looks at me "are you alright?" She asks me "yep. Stiles was just acting really weird today" I explain to her "hmm well isn't her normally weird?" She asks I glare at her "okay okay I'm sorry how about I cancel plans with Jackson and we have  a girl's day" she says while looking at me. "Yess it's been awhile sense we've had a girl's day." I say as we both laugh.

A/n: sorry for not updating recently school has been kicking my ass lately and a lot of other stuff I try to post at least everyday on tik tok to give y'all some sort of content I'm so so sorry for not updating also thank you for over 1k reads and 1k followers on tik tok love you guys!! Have an amazing evening, night, afternoon or morning loves also happy early Halloween 🎃 be safe and have fun!!

Word count:1,436

Love you all

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