chapter 16

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Chapter 16



                                          Season 2, episode 1

Andreas pov:

Beep.  Beep.   Beep.

My eyes fly open I furrow my eyebrows in confusion what the hell? Where am I? I look around to see if I can find out where I am I look down to see cords. Am I at a hospital? "H-hello?" I say out loud "oh my god hunny your okay nurse!" I hear a voice yell I look to my side to see my father great just great.

A Few hours later...

"Do you need help getting in the shower" my father asks, I roll my eyes sure now you wanna play caring dad fuck off. "Maybe if I was four and still taking bubble baths. Also stop pretending to care your not fooling anyone." I say while walking to the bathroom "right! I'll just wait outside then where it's slightly less sarcastic." He says while trying to whisper the last part, I roll my eyes again. I checked on my sister earlier she's fine she woke up yesterday. I turn on the water and start to undress myself I get in and start to wash myself I let my hand glide to my waist feeling the mark there. I can't remember all that happened but I remember most of it the guy with teeth I shake my head getting the picture of his face out of my head when I hear a crash I open my eyes and peak out of the shower and then put my head back in when I look down at the tub I see the water is black I kneel down to see if I can feel if anything is clogging the drain I put my hand under the water and pull up a big peace of hair ew I put it on the side of the tub and reach my hand down there once again. Another clump of hair I gag at the smell  I reach both my hands down there again more hair what the hell?? my breathing starts to pick up all of a sudden I feel a hand grip my arm I pull my hand away and standing up quickly while screaming and everything goes black

Stiles pov:

"Shhh we have to be quiet" Andrea says kissing my neck she grabs my hands leading them down to her waist while she pulls away from me while taking off her shirt I can't help but let my eyes drift down to her breasts "wait...uh- are you sure?" I ask swallowing hard she bites her lips while nodding "yeah I'm sure I wanna make you feel good let me make you feel good okay?" She says while getting on her knees I look down at her she unbuckles my belt and slides my jeans off along with my boxers she takes my member in her hand and pumps it in her hand I look at the ceiling swallowing hard I feel her take the tip in her mouth I let out a grunt at the feeling of her mouth on me she swirls her tongue around the tip before taking half of my dick in her mouth I moan out "o-oh yeah just like that" I say while fisting her hair into a ponytail she starts bobbing her head faster. My breath gets faster I feel myself twitch in her mouth. The not in my stomach disappears as I look down she takes my dick out of her mouth wiping the corners of her mouth "was that okay?" She asks "that was better then okay" I tell her I put my hand on the back of her bra "can I?" I ask she nods I unclipped her bra and watched as hit falls off her sh-

I open my eyes to a sound of someone near me what the heck? It was just a dream? Dang it. I look beside me to see the balloon I got for Drea I move it to the side while sitting up to get something from the vending machine.

(A/n: heated moment for y'all I'm not the best at writing smut but I thought I'd try. So yeah lmao)

I walk up to the machine yawning looking to see what I can from the machine my eyes settle on reeses I put the quarter in the machine and the Reese's start to come out when it gets stuck I hit the button again frustrated "seriously come on" I met her hitting the glass to see if it will knock the candy over so I can get it I put my arms around the vending machine and try to shake it I move back from it and then put my hands on top of the vending machine and shaking it when it tips over and falls on the ground making a loud crash I look at the machine trying to see if I can pick it up when I hear a loud scream "Andrea?" I say while running to her room then I hear another scream "Lydia?" I open the door to Andreas room "what the hell was that?" Melissa asks I push through her and Andreas dad into the bathroom no one's in there Melissa turns off the shower I look around confused where could she have gone? I turn to my side to see the window open.

"Okay let's get an APB out for a 16-year-old brunette and redhead any other descriptors?" I hear my dad ask "she's 5 ft fair skin and brown eyes and her hair is actually chocolate brown" I inform him "is that right?"he asks "yeah I nod my head he grabs me by the back of my neck dragging me away "what the hell are you still doing here?"he asked me "umm providing moral support" I tell him "how about you provide your ass back at home where you should be" "I could do that too" I say he let's go with my neck so I can walk.

Andreas pov:

Where the hell am I?? I walk around more when all of a sudden I hear voices and see flashing lights I start to walk towards the voices I move a brunch I have the way to see the sheriff and Stiles oh God this is going to be embarrassing but whatever I move my arms up to cover my breasts "Drea?" I hear a voice  say "Drea? Lydia?" The voice says again "ANDREA LYDIA!" the voice yells I look up to see stiles "well is anyone gonna get us a coat" me and my sister ask I move my arms away from my chest I see stiles eyes widen as he tries to grab his dad's coat but fails and falls "Jesus yep here you go" the sheriff says while giving my sister his coat stiles gets up and runs to me giving me his flannel "thanks" I whisper

A/n: second part of the book super excited thanks to all of you who have been voting it means a lot! Sorry for the very late update I've been trying to focus on school and stuff but yeah love you all lots!!💗

Word count:1,210 words.

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