chapter 27

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Chapter 27

              Master plan

                                  Season 2 episode 12

Andrea's pov:

        Stiles is missing. I keep looking around maybe he'll show up, but no. I see you the sheriff looking around too I go up to him and tap him on the shoulder "hey im gonna walk around and look for Stiles I'll let you know if I find him." I say "okay" he replies I turn around to walk away "oh and Andrea" he calls me I turn back around to face him "be careful" he tells me. I smiles and continue walking.

I'm half way around the school. No stiles I sigh in defeat realizing he's not here. I start walking towards the parking lot I see Lydia's car and I run towards it. I see Lydia in the car with a tear stained face I get in and look at her she turns her head to look at me "he's gone. He's dead." She whimpers out, I reach over and hug her. She starts sobbing into my chest.

We stay like this for a few minutes until I convince her to let me drive home. I pull out of the school parking lot and drive home. After a couple minutes we arrive home I take her into her room and put her to bed making sure she's okay. I walk out the front door and get into the car again. I start to drive towards the woods to look for Stiles there just in case I guess. When I get there I park and start looking around the woods "hey stranger" I hear a familiar voice say I turn around to see Damian I let out a breath of relief "hey" I say while still walking "what are you looking for?" He asks I sigh "I'm looking for stiles he went missing right after the game and no one can find him." I explain to him "oh I'm sorry. But why are you looking for him in the woods alone" he says "I don't know I thought maybe he might be here." I state "I'll help you look" he says. We continue to walk "hey, I have a question." I tell him "shoot" he says "why don't you want Derek to know your here" I ask

          He sighs "he thinks I'm dead." My eyes widen "oh uh... Why don't you just tell him your alive?" dumb question I know "really? What do you want me to say hey Derek it's me Damion I didn't really die in the fire I was captured but then escaped how have you been?" He scoffs "hey look I don't think it matters how you tell him as long as he knows your alive he's your family" I tell him he just smiles at me just then my phone dings "we found him" as I read the text relief fills me they found him "hey they found him I gotta go" I tell him softly he nods "thanks for trying to help" I thank him "your welcome, see you around" he smiles, I smile back and I hug him quickly and run back towards my car, I jump in quickly and drive towards the sheriff's house.

        I finally get to his house, I park the car and get out making sure to lock the doors I run up to the front door and knock. A few seconds pass and the door opens reveling the sheriff I smile at him and give him a hug "he's in his room you can go ahead and knock if you want" he smiles softly at me I start to walk towards his room and knock he doesn't answer at first but then I knock again and again finally he opens the door. He looks surprised to see me I move towards him and I hug him tightly after a few seconds he hugs me back we stay like this for a few minute. I pull away "hi" I say "hi" he says "your dad let me in" I say "he did? Oh yeah of course he did" he says I look more closely to his face to realize his face is bruised. "A-are you okay?" I ask him referring to his face "oh uh, yeah it's nothing, uh I'm fine" he replies I give him an unconvinced look "uh do you want to come in?" He asks

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