chapter 25

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Chapter 25


                        Season 2 episode 10

     Andreas pov:

          I open my eyes trying to find out where I am. I take in my surroundings to find out that I'm in the middle of the woods. I get up and start walking around, I know not the smartest idea but I needed to get home and find Lydia as I'm walking around I hear things snapping from the side of me. I turn to see what it is only to find nothing there. I keep walking around them the twigs snapping sound gets closer I start to look around again but find nothing this time I start to walk faster and faster but so were the footsteps behind me I start running not bothering to look back all of a sudden a hand grabs my wrist "hello Andrea" I hear the person say just before I black out.



       I wake up again but this time in a car. It's driving somewhere I try to lift my hand so I could push my hair away from my face only to find them tied together. I start to panic I sit up everything is still blurry I look up towards the front of the car only to see Matt  "oh good your up!" He states "where are you taking me?" I rasp out "I'm taking you to the sheriff's" he replies keeping his eyes on the road "why" "well your little friends are there probably telling the sheriff I'm the one killing people which I mean is not a lie... But I'm hoping bringing you with me will make them listen quicker." He explains wait he's the one killing people oh my god
I start to freak out "calm down if they really care about you like the say they do then they'll cooperate with me and the plus is I won't have to damage to that beautiful face of yours" he whispers the last part "w-why are you doing this? Why me?!" I ask loudly he just laughs "because I can and because I felt like it, you, because your beautiful and you have a heart of gold, you'd do anything for them and I'm hoping they'd do anything for you. Because I'm thinking in the very short time you've known them you've already got a special place in their hearts and I'm hoping to use that against them." He explains I just look down as my eyes begin to water "and if you don't want anyone to get hurt especially Stilinski you'll do what your told do you understand?" he says I just stay quite "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" I flinch at his voice "y-yes" I say quietly

        We pull up to the sheriff's station he gets out of the car and walks over to my side of the car and opens the door. He yanks me out of the car and start pushing me towards the sheriff's station. But then stops I look at him confused on why we stopped only to see the kanima my breathing picks up and I start panicking again "don't worry he won't hurt you unless I tell him too" Matt says he pushes me towards the kanima. I stumble forward and the kanima grabs my forearm holding it tightly "don't come in until Derek gets here" Matt orders "how do you know he's coming here" I ask he just smirks "I have my ways" he says and then walks in the sheriff's station

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