chapter 18

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               chapter 17


                                         Ice pick


                                                                                                                                 season 2, episode 3

Andreas pov:

the sun shines through the curtains of the living room I let my eyes adjust to the bright light before getting up to check my phone to see if stiles texted me back. i grab my phone and turn it on tp see stiles did in fact text back i felt a small smile form on my lips 


   Me:hey wanna meet tomarrow?

  Stiles:hey and yeah of course what time?


  Stiles:sounds good see you then :)

After that I put my phone down and start to head up stairs to get ready for the day Allison left a note saying she had to leave early because her dad needed her and Lydia is still asleep on the floor. I grab my shower stuff and head to the bathroom. I turn on the water and strip of all my cloths, I get in the shower and start to wash myself and my hair "Andrea" I hear the same voice i herd the other day I pull the curtain back to look but nothings there weird . I continue my shower for a couple more minutes before getting out I wrap a towel around my body. i put my underwear and bra on I stare at myself in the mirror my eyes travel down to the scar i got during the winter formal I run my finger tips over the scar. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts "Drea are you in there?" I hear my sisters voice "uh... yeah just a minute" I yell I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom, I brush through my hair, I start to blow dry it once I'm done I straighten it. "what are you getting ready for?" my sister asks while making herself comfortable on my bed "I'm meeting stiles here in a little" i tell her she just hums in response "well good luck I guess" she says while starting to text on her phone "thanks?" I walk out of my room after that.

         After about an hour I check the time to see that its now 12:50 pm so I go upstairs and get my phone and go back down stairs and walk out the front door.  I get in Lydia's car and start to drive to his house. After about 30 minutes I arrive I park in the driveway next to his jeep I lock the car doors I walk up to his front door and ring the door bell i hear foot steps approaching the door before it opens "hi" stiles greets "hey" i smile at him, he smiles back at me we stand in silence just staring at each other his eyes widen realizing that we've just been standing here "oh uh do you wanna come inside?" he asks i nod in response, he opens the door wider so that i can enter. i walk inside and look around i feel his hand slip into mine as he heads through the living room and down a hall. he opens his bedroom door, i step inside her follows seconds after me "so uh.. you wanted to talk?" he asks while sitting on his bed i walk over to him and sit beside him "um yeah i wanted to say I'm sorry for kind of not being all there during the formal and for leaving you to help my sister" i say while playing with my fingers 

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