chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Double dates and kisses

Scott's pov:

        I wake up breathing heavily thank God it was only a dream. I get dressed and ride my bike to school. When I get to school I see stiles getting it out of his Jeep, I run up to him "dude you won't believe this I had the weirdest dream ever" he turned his head in my direction "okay well what was the dream about" he asks as we're walking into the school I start telling him all about my dream "so you killed her?" He asks while opening the door "I don't know I just woke up" I tell him "I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe" I say to him while we walk through the hallway "I've never had a dream where I've woken up like that before" I tell him honestly. I've never had a dream like that before and it felt so realistic. It was weird he looks at me surprised "really? I have, but it usually ends a little differently" he says I can tell he's replaying a dream in his head ew. I don't want to think about that. "A I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real and B never give me that much detail about you in bed again." I say to him while licking his way and looking straightforward he just raises his brows and agreement "noted" he says while he continues walking "let me take a guess here though-" he says before I cut him off "i-i know you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out" I exclaim

          He gives we this stupid look "no of course not" he tries to reassure me I look his way with the look that says 'yes you are' "okay yeah that's exactly it" he says
"Come on it's going to be fine all right personally I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazingly you know it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take" he says while we walk through the hall I turn to look at him "yeah not a class maybe a teacher" I tell him he just stars at me In disbelief "who Derek?!" He says as he raises his voice and then he smacks me upside the head "did you forget the part where we got him tossed in jail" he says while we walk I rub the back of my head "I know but chasing her dragging her to the back of the bus it felt so real" I say remembering the dream "how real?" Stiles asks I think for a minute before answering "like it actually happened" I say before we open the double doors to go outside only to see a bus with the back door wide open and blood all over the bus holy crap did I actually just kill the one girl that I've ever liked. Stiles and I look at the bus in shock for a while before Stiles finally speaks up "I think it did" he exclaims I got to find Allison that was all that was running through my mind I have to find Allison I have to make sure that I didn't hurt her.

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