chapter 9

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Chapter 9


                       (Episode 5)

                                                      The tell

Andreas pov:

        Lydia, Jackson and I are currently in my sisters car driving to the video store to get a movie for the three of us to watch. "cursess is not only the best basketball movie ever it is the best sports movie ever made" Jackson finishes explaining to us. "no." my sister and I say at the same time. "its got gene hackman and Denis hopper" Jackson tries to convince us. "nope" I say as Lydia nods in agreement "Drea, Lydia I swear to god your gonna like it" Jackson tells us "no" Lydia say while looking straight ahead "I am not watching The Notebook again!" Jackson says while raising his voice a little "yes we are and you already know it Lydia always gets what she wants." I finish explaining to him "ugh fine. whatever, either one of you want to come with me?" Jackson asks us. Lydia looks back at me "I guess I'm going with then" I say getting out of the car and shutting the door. Jackson soon follows after, we walk into the store and start looking for the notebook "can somebody help us find The Notebook" Jackson asks out loud "is there anyone even working, I don't see anyone here" I ask him he looks at me "well yeah or they wouldn't be open." he says in a 'duh' tone we start to walk around looking for an employee "hello?" Jackson says as we continue walking around "is anyone working here?" I ask while looking around. "you've got to be kidding me" Jackson mutters under is breath as I scoff. We continue walking until we see a latter, we walk towards it as the light keeps flickering, i see a pair of legs on the ground so i tug on Jacksons jacket and we walk towards the person. We turn the corner only to find the guy dead with is throat slashed I let out a small scream right before Jackson put his hand over my mouth, he put his finger to his lip as i nod, Jackson backs up slowly but knocks over the latter which causes the lights to flicker "wait to be quite Jack" i say harshly "shut up" Jackson responds. We hear a growling noise so we turn around, there's this creature with red glowing eyes. i let out a small whimper and i start to back up. Jackson takes my hand and drags me behind a shelf, Jackson peeks his head out from the shelf i see a shadow move quickly by so i pull him back into hiding. Jackson looks at me and i shake my head knowing what he was thinking, out of nowhere some movies fall off the shelf. Jackson peeks his head again. i hear shelfs falling domino style so i push Jackson out of the way but as I'm about to move myself out of the way the shelf falls right on top of me I let out a scream as the shelfs fell on me, all i feel is pain. "Drea are you okay?" Jackson asks me with concern in his voice "I'm fine! Go get help call the police go do something!" i yell at him "I'm not leavening you" he tells me tears start to prick my eyes "please Jackson go get help, please" i beg him hesitates before nodding and running out. I let out a quite sob, i feel heavy breathing on my neck i shut my eyes tightly, the thing comes right down to where my face was. he looks at my face almost as if he was studying it the thing lets out a breath "hale" the thing whispers as it puts its hand? or paw on my cheek brushing some hair off my face. my breathing starts to pick up the thing looks into my eyes before speeding off and jumping right threw the window.

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