chapter 19

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                                              chapter 19


                                                                                                                                               season 2, episode 4

Andreas pov

          I woke up to an empty bed the next morning stiles left me a note saying that his dad needed him and that it was urgent. I understood but I was a little disappointed. Last night was supposed to be fun but the guy underneath the ice was creepy I could have sworn he was there but I guess not. I'm guessing the meds I was taking is making me see things... But whatever helps to get better. ever since that night I've been feeling weird like someone is watching me and I cant do anything about it and its starting to freak me out. especially this morning when my mom found Lydia with blood all over her sheets and hands if I'm being honest i worried about her too. I'm currently eating an apple in my living room waiting for Lydia. our mom wants us to go to school early for a counseling session with the school counselor because she's worried about us. "you ready?" my sister asks "yes lets go" i mutter, we get into the car and drive to school,

we arrive a couple minute's later and enter the school and walk towards the counselors office there is one person sitting in the chairs waiting to be seen both me and my sister sit next to me "hey" the boy says to me "hi" i say  "nice gloves" the boy says to my sister "thank you" my sister says "so, what's your brand of psychosis?" he asks again, she turns her head "really" "we're both here for something we don't have to be ashamed of it" he explains "i have cute phobia of people prying into my personal life." i let out a little laugh "you?" she smiles as he looks down "compulsively drawn to cute but narcissistic girls." he replies my eyes widen in shock just the the door opens "are you ready Andrea" the counselor says i nod my head in response "good luck" my sister mutters I roll my eyes in response and i step into the small room "hello Andrea" she says "uh hi" I mutter we sit there in silence for a few seconds 

       "your not even French, are you" I claim "French-Canadian" she replies "which means your a Canadian who speaks French." I start "And seeing as I'm putting my mental health in your hands, how about you tell me what as a French teacher, qualifies you to be a guidance counselor?" i finish "i have a masters in behavioral psychology, and have done over 300 hours of field work." she states blankly "hmm je vais bien" i speak in French "if your really fine, what are you doing here" she points out "appeasing my parents so the don't take away my sisters car keys away." i tell her "have you talked to your friends about what happened to you?" she asks 'no' "yeah their great. Totally supportive" i lie "do you trust them" 'sometimes.' "implicitly" "good" she smiles "but still be cautious." she adds "why? Because sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most?" i state she looks at me shocked by my words "indeed." she agrees "did you read that somewhere?" she asks "i dot know" i say blankly "maybe i heard it" i smile "well it sounds like whoever said it left an impression." she says "yeah okay can i like go now" she nods in response i gather my stuff and walk out.

(je vais bien= I'm fine)

         as I'm leaving i bump into someone "oh sorry" i apologize "we got to stop meeting like this" the voice says i look up to see Damian "oh hey Damian" i say "hey, so where you going in such a rush" he asks "um I'm going to find my boyfriend you know wish him good luck before his game" i say "oh boyfriend?" he asks i nod my head "well good luck finding him" he smiles "thank you, so who are you staying with?"  i ask "my cousin, you might know him his name is Derek hale" he says my eyes widen "oh uh yeah I've met him a couple of time hes nice i guess" i say "its okay you don't have to lie he creepy" he says "uh a little i guess, i really got to go now" i tell him "okay see you later Drea" he says as i was walking down the hall looking for stiles i finally see him i run up to him and cover his eyes "guess who" i say "hmm my beautiful girlfriend" he says i giggle and remove my hands he turns around to face me

       i smile and threw my arms around his neck and pecked his lips "i just wanted to say good luck at your game tonight" i tell him. he furrows his eyebrows "are you not gonna be there?" he asks "i will i just might be a little late" i tell him "oh okay well if you cant make it, its okay" he says "no, I'm gonna make it" i tell him "okay then, i got to run" he pecks my cheek and runs off i smile

the day goes on as usual and boring as ever I'm on my way to the bleachers to say hi to ally, i look for her finally i see her with her grandpa i walk up to her and give her a hug "hey ally" i say " hey Drea how are you?" she asks "I'm doing okay how are you?" i ask "I'm doing better... oh and this is Gerard my grand father" she states i smile towards the old man "hi I'm Andrea" i hold out my arm for him to shake, he grabs my hand and shakes it firmly "nice to meet you, i like her better than the other one" he mutters the last part to ally. I laugh a little "well I'm gonna go wish stiles good luck one more time see you guys it was nice to meet you Gerard" i say as i walk away

         I'm walking towards the other set of bleachers, i see a brunette boy holding a camera "cool camera" i say, he turns around and smiles "thanks cool uh necklace" he complements "thanks, uh what do you take pictures of?" i ask "just anything that catches my eye" he says holding up the camera and taking a picture of me, i try not to feel weirded out by the act but i do. "oh uh okay, I'm Drea by the way" i say "matt" he says. i notice his jersey "oh your on the team?" i ask "yep but i don't play that often" he states "oh okay have you seen stiles stilinski by chance?" i smile "uh nope haven't seen him" he says "oh okay thank you anyway, i got to go see you around." i say he just nods i walk around more. i start to feel a pressure build up in my chest I've had anxiety ever since i was little but its only gotten worse i start to feel light-headed, heart starts to thump faster and faster.

i go out to the parking lot trying to calm myself but i cant. i feel tears start to make their way down my face "hey hey hey" i hear a voice say "Drea look at me" the voice says i look at the person who is blurred by my vision "hey just breath in and out" they say "i-im t-trying i-i c-ca-ant d-do i-it" i stutter "okay what are three things you hear? they say "y-your voice, u-uh cheers and horns" my breathing slows i wipe my eyes and look at the person to see stiles my eyes widen "oh stiles I'm sorry you uh have to see me like this" i say "hey you shouldn't care if people see you cry" he says "why?" i ask "because i think you look really beautiful when you cry" he states i look up at him "really" i ask he nods, i smile at him "so what's up?" he asks "if i tell you you're gonna think I'm crazy" i explain "Drea there's literally nothing you can say or do that will make me think that you're crazy" he says i look into his eyes and smile I'm about to tell him when he speaks up "actually can we do this later?" he asks i raise my eyebrows in response "i know I'm sorry but i have something important- not that this isn't important its just-" "yeah its fine" i cut him off "just stay here please ill be back in 5 minutes" he says i nod

well i guess 5 minute's turned into one hour... and I'm officially done waiting i get up from the bench i was sitting on at the same time my sister walks out "hey are you okay?" she asks "yeah uh are you on your way home?" i ask "yeah you coming?" she asks i nod my head and i walk towards her, she throws her arm around me and we walk to the car we both get in and she drives away.

A/n: heyy another update stiles and Drea are super cute anyways how's your guy's days? Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote and comment please and thank you!! Love you lots!


Word count: 1,598 words

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