chapter 12

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Chapter 12


                               Episode 8


Stiles pov:

              "I'm really starting to like you stiles" ever since Andrea has said those words to me I haven't been able to get them out of my head they've been repeating, the girl that I've had a crush on since the third grade finally noticed me and likes me back. I still can't believe and I won't believe it not until she tells someone else that she likes me I have to be absolutely sure before I make my move my plan is still in motion to get the girl I've been in love with since the first grade.

        I get into my jeep to go pick up Scott since he told me that Allison said that she wanted a break poor guy.

I get to Scott's house and pull into the driveway and honk my horn to let him know I'm outside waiting for him. I see him come out the front door as he runs to my jeep and hops in "hey man how are you doing" I ask while pulling out of the driveway. "As good as I can be what do you think she means by break? Like breakup break or just stop talking for a little bit break" he asks while looking over at me. "Dude to he honest I have no clue, I'm new to this girl stuff." I explain, he nods "yeah girls are just so confusing" he sighs. I nod in agreement, I pull up to the woods and get out.

"What are we doing here?" Scott asks "you'll see" I say as we continue to walk deeper into the woods "where are we going?" Scott asks again "you'll see" I responded with the same answer as before "okay, we really shouldn't be out here my mom is still freaked out by what happend at school the other night." He tells me. I continue to walk as he follows "well your mom isn't the sheriff, ok there's no comparison, trust me" I explain "can you at least just tell me where we're going?" He asks annoyed I sigh "yes, when your best friend gets dumped we're taking a break" "I didn't get dumped" Scott blurts out "well when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break you get your best friend drunk." I say while holding a bottle of jack Daniel's in my hand.

Few minutes later.

"Dude she's just one- one girl. Out of so many there are so many other girls in the sea" I say while laying down "fish in the sea" Scott tells me fish? Why is he talking about fish? I miss Andrea. "Fish why are you talking about fish I'm talking about girls God I love girls I love them I love especially ones with chocolate brown hair, brown eyes 5 feet" I begin to describe Andrea "like Andrea" Scott guesses "yeah exactly...hey! did you know I was talking abou- what was I talking about?" I ask as I smile and look up at Scott whoes looking down at the ground frowning I hit his leg and frown "hey you aren't happy take a drink" I tell him, I grab the bottle and hand it to him "I don't want anymore." He says and I frown

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