chapter 3

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                                        Chapter 3

                     Who's that?

Andreas pov:

After English I help Allison find her locker we talk while looking I found out we have alot more in common then I thought as I'm helping Allison set up her locker I see Allison staring at a brunette boy with shaggy hair Scott McCall Allison smiles at him. God they would be cute together. I then hear a familiar pair of heels clicking on the floor Lydia my twin walks up to Allison and I and takes my arm pulling so I stand beside her. Allison gives me a confused look as my twin speaks up "that jacket is absolutely killer where'd you get it?" Allison looks at me sister for a secound and then me before speaking "my mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco" she exclaimed Lydia looks at me and then back at Allison.

"And you are our new best friend" Lydia smiles at the girl Allison smiles a bit and Lydia giggles as Jackson comes up behind her and grabs her waist "hey Jackson" my sister says to her boyfriend as the start to make out infront of Allison and I "you'll get used to the pda" I whisper and Allison nods "the strawberry blonde is my twin sister Lydia Martin a-" I didn't get a chance to finish befor Allison interrupted me "twin?!" She exclaimed I could tell she was shocked most people were when they found out Lydia and I were twins "yes I know we don't look like we are but we are she looks more like our mom and I look like our father. Like I was saying and the one she's making out with is Jackson Whittmore aka her boyfriend but I think you could already tell by well that" I say pointing to my sister and Jackson having a full on make out session.

Stiles pov:

I was talking to Scott as Michelle came up to Scott and I
"Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of 5 seconds and she's already hanging out with Lydia and Andrea's click." Michelle explains I look at her then look over where Lydia,Andrea,Jackson and Allison are "because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together."
I say as I look at Andrea laughing at something Allison said while Jackson and Lydia were making out? Ew that's disgusting.

Michelle scoffs and I continue looks at Andrea she looks so beautiful with her brown hair in tight curls and the way she did her makeup today it was a simple looks she looked gorgeous everything about her was perfect and when I say everything I mean everything she's beautiful nice kind and smart. Even if she didn't want that many people to know. Now me and Michelle are arguing I'm trying to tell her that not what I meant when beautiful people herd together Michelle is pretty and all and that's what I telling her but she keeps freaking arguing with me.

Andreas pov:

Finally Lydia and Jackson are done with their makeout session "so" Lydia spoke up  "this weekend there's a party." Lydia tells Allison "a party?" Allison asks "yeah Friday night you should come." Jackson tells Allison
"Oh...uh I can't. It's family night this Friday." Allison tells us "oh dang it I wish you could come it would've been so much fun" I tell her genuinely disappointed that she can't come "yeah it would have. Thanks for asking tho" she smiles "are you sure you can't come? I mean everyone's coming after the scrimmage." Jackson tell her Allison looks from me to him "you mean like football?" We chuckle a little "footballs a joke in beacon hills." Allison looks down for a second in embarrassment before Jackson spoke up again "the sport here is lacrosse we won the state champion for the past 3 years" Jackson brags Allison looks at Scott then looks back at us as Lydia fixes Jackson's hair.

"Yes because of a certain team captain" Lydia tell us while looking at Jackson sometimes they make me wanna barf. "well practice is in a few minutes that is if you don't have anywhere else to be." Jackson tells Allison "well I was going-" she didn't even get to finish before Lydia interrupted her "perfect your coming." Lydia says as she takes mine and Allisons arms and dragging us away I look back to see stiles to be arguing with a girl I think that's what they were doing.


Lydia Allison and I walk to the bleachers and see Scott and Stiles walking on the field I wave to stiles as I sit next Allison and she smiles at Scott.

3rd person pov:

"McCall" we year coach say "yes" Scott says he sounds like he was totally out of it "your in goal." Coach says as he throws lacrosse stuff at him and Scot catches it "I've never played." Scott exclaims "I know scoring some shots we'll give the boys confidence raise it's a first day back thing" coach says as he hits Scotts shoulder "get em energized fire it up!" Coach says "what about me?" The brunette boy asks. "Try not to take any in the face" coach says as he smacks Scott's face and "come on let's go!" He says and walks away walks away

Andreas pov:

I looks at stiles as he sits on the bench does he not play? I wonder we see Scott go infront of the goal  I guess hes playing goal Allison looks at Lydia and I "who's that?" She asks referring to Scott "him?" My sister asks we all look at Scott he looks nerves and scared. "I'm not sure who he is." My sister looks at her and then at Scott and back to Allison "why" my sister asks in disgusted we look at Scott again and he tilts his head "no reason he's just in my English class." Allison says Lydia and I look at each other knowing that's not really the reason.

A whistle sound starts to go off and we see Scott grabbing his head "what is he doing?" I asked confused "no clue" both Lydia and Allison replied. I see stiles still sitting on the bench so I decided that I was gonna go and talk to him. "I'll be back" I say before getting up from my spot and heading over to where stiles is "hey stiles" I say to him, he looks at me in shock and then looks behind him then faces me again "m-me?" He stuttered out "yes of course you is there another stiles that goes here" I giggle a little "n-no I don't think remember my name?" He asks me he looks shocked that I remembered it "yeah of course I remembered how can I forget a cute boy with such a unique name" I say with a smile on my face his face goes from confusion to happiness in a second "I think your cute to" he blurts out. I blush at his words and his eyes widen a bit "o-oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean- oh god you probably think I'm weird now." I smile at him a little "stiles your a little weird yes but you so funny and sweet and you weirdness just makes you cuter." I tell him and he smiled at me.

A/N: sorry it took me forever to update I've been busy with school and stuff but I will be updating more now so yeah thanks for reading hope you like this chapter don't forget to vote and comment love yall💗💗💗

Word count:1284

Love you all

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