chapter 20

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Chapter 20

                Season 2, episode 5


Andreas pov:

It's the next day and I'm at school. "Hey Drea" I hear a voice say from next to me I look to the side, and I see Isaac. "Hey Isaac, your back" I say he nods and looks down "yeah I'm back" he says. "That's good, hey I gotta go to class so I'll see you later" I smile "okay sounds good" he say I give him a quick hug and walk to class.

"Hey did you hear Isaac's back at school?" My sister whispers "yeah I saw him in the hall earlier" I reply "oh, stay away from him he gives me weird vibes." She says in a disgusted tone. "Can you stop saying stuff like that" I scoff "like what?" She asks "like your trying to control me it's annoying" I roll my eyes. She looks at me and scoffs. A couple minutes later the teacher starts teaching his lesson I look up at the board to copy down what he's writing. But when I do it's not the teacher anymore it's the guy that Lydia and I saw under the ice I look to my side to see if Lydia sees him to. Her eyes are wide open in fear and I know she's seeing the same thing.

        The guy turns around revealing his face to us he starts to walk towards us during deaths out of his way Lydia stands up it fear he walks up to Lydia and starts crumbling the chalk that he had in his hand and his fist then he blows it on her face. He walks towards me and smiles then does the same thing to me I look up from my paper gasping as I look up to see Lydia in the front with chalk in her hand writing something on the board "to someone else want to try and guess the answer and this time in English." Coach says Lydia comes and sits down in her seat next to me "you saw that right?" She asks me I nod slowly looking at stiles who's already looking at me. I look away and back down at my notes.

I was now in chemistry class getting settled when I see Scott and styles enter the room I smile at both of them and look back down. A couple seconds later out of the corner of my eye I see Scott and Sal's both sit next to me I give them a weird look but shrug it off. "Einstein one said two things are infinite universe and humans stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe
I myself have encountered infinite stupidity so to combat the plague of stupidity in my class you're going to combine effort through a round of group experience
Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one we're in Mr silinski's Case less than one." Mr Harris says I give styles a sad smile and he moves his chair I look at Lydia and she gives me a weird look some kid is sitting with her at a different table "Erica take the first station we'll start with..." When Mr Harris is about to finish everyone in the classroom except for Scott Allison Lydia styles and I raise their hands. Mr Harris rolls his eyes "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down" he tells them. "Start with Mr McCall. Right now for the next two" he finally says

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