chapter 17

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chapter 16


                                                                                                                    shape shifted


                                                                                                                                 season 2, episode 2

Andrea's pov:

        its been a couple days sense the hole running around the woods naked. I've just been staying at home watching the notebook and other movies. today is the day that i go back to school because i cant run from my problem's forever. but the three people i cant wait to see are Isaac, Allison and stiles. there's something bothering me about Isaac i ran into him while he was running in the rain.


as i was driving home from the drug store I see a familiar figure walking in the rain. I pull over next to him and role down the window "hey Isaac right?" I ask threw the window "uhh... y-yeah" he stutters "what are you doing in this rain? you must be freezing do you need a ride or something?" i ask he just nods, i unlock the door for him. "hey are you okay you look really shaken up" he just looks at me and smiles "um yeah its just my dad so you know i ran." he says while looking at his hands "oh okay well i hope everything's alright." i say with concern "um yeah e-everything's fine." he looks out the window.

a silence falls over us "so where do i need to take you? to your house?" i ask "um no not my house just turn on the next block please" he says "okay" i say. but i cant shake the feeling that something was wrong with him.

     But that's about it so I'm currently getting dressed into an out fit Lydia picked out which is actually kind of cute, her exact words were 'we have to look cute on our second first day back at school duh.' so yeah. I'm kind of nervous not gonna lie but whatever just got to live with it. "hey you ready" my sister peeks her head in threw my door frame. i mumble a little 'yes' i grab my bag and head out the door. as we get inside the car and she starts to drive to school "hey are you okay you've been quite recently" she says "yeah I'm fine I'm just tired i guess" i say while looking out the window "okay whatever you say." she says while pulling into the school, she parks and we both get out of the car and walk to the front to be greeted by Allison "hi ally" i say while hugging her "hey Drea" she says hugging me back "are you okay? you know with everything that's happening?" i ask "yeah I'm fine how are you are you okay?" i nod my head "hey girlies sorry I'm late i had something to take care of." she tells us "so you guys really don't remember anything?" Allison asks

"they call it a fuse state" " which is basically saying we have no idea why you guys cant remember running through the woods naked for two days, but personally we don't care" i finish "we lost 9 pounds" my sister says with a smile "are you guys ready for this?" Allison smiles "yep" i say with a smile "please its not like my aunts a serial killer" Lydia says as she walks away "um she's joking im sorry Allison" "its okay" she sadly smiles as we follow Lydia into the school.

         As soon as we step in everyone stops what their doing and  they just stare at us "maybe its the nine pounds" Allison whispers Lydia just flips her hair and struts away i grab Allison's hand and walk away with her following behind me. "what a way to make an entrance" i mutter "right" i giggle at Allison's response "hey have you seen stiles yet" i ask them both Allison shakes her head "maybe hes at lacrosse practice" she says "oh yeah" i laugh "we can go watch if you want" Lydia suggests "um no that's okay you guys go to class i got to get something from the car" i say the both nod and i walk away i walk by the office and see stiles and Scott "hey Scott, hey stiles" i say they both wave at me as i continue walking i get to the front doors and start to walk to the car "Andrea" a voice says i furrow my eyebrows and look behind me, nothing. i turn towards the car again "Andrea" the voice says again i turn around again nothing again. okay weird.

   i unlock the door and get my jacket out and then lock it and walk away and the someone runs into me i look up and see Scott "oh hey Scott what's wrong you look uh tired" i say "that's what's wrong with me" he says as he points behind me, i turn around  to see Isaac in a cop car being drove away "oh uh what happened?" i ask "his dad died last night" Scott says oh my god "that must be what he was so scared about last night" i mumble " wait what?" Scott  asked "last night he was walking down the street he wouldn't tell me what was wrong but i could tell something wrong i think it was something with his dad" i explain "okay thanks for explaining" he thanks me i nod. all of a sudden there are sounds of tires screeching. "get in" Derek tells Scott

"are you serious? you did that. that's your fault" Scott tells him " i know that. now get in the car and help me" Derek demands "nah I've got a better idea im gonna call a lawyer cause a lawyer might have a chance of getting him about before the full moon comes out" Scott yells wit what full moon? "um im gonna go bye Scott" i say he looks towards me "um bye Drea see ya later" he says before turning around to look at Derek. i walk back into the building and head into the class I'm supposed to be in.

        i walked in the class and sat in my seat i look to myside and see stiles "hey" i say "oh uh hey" he said "i just want to say thank you for everything" i say "really?" he asks i nod my head. a couple minutes later the bell rings and we both get up and walk out of the class i pull him into a hug and i kiss his cheek  "thank you stiles, text me stiles" i say smiling and walking away. i go to my locker and i start putting my books away "hey" Allison and Lydia both say "hey" i respond "sleep over our house tonight." Lydia says me and Allison look at each other  "I'm down if you guys are" i say

"me too i just got to check if its okay with my parents first" ally says "okay sounds good see you guys then i have a free period so I'm just gonna head home I'm tired." i say they both nod in response i start to walk home time fly's by i don't even realize that I'm standing in front of the hale house. what the heck? i don't remember walking over here. "Andrea" a voice says i  feel chills run up my spine, no nope not today i run away from the house and i make my way to my own.

       i here a knock at my door, i get up off the couch to open it, i see Allison at our door "hey sorry I'm late, i brought snacks" she says holding up the snacks "its okay come on in ill pick out some movies " i say while letting her in and closing the door i call down Lydia and we start to watch some movies soon after we hear snoring and look to see Lydia asleep. we both laugh "so did you talk to stiles?" she asks "um kind of i just thanked him for everything" i explain to her "oh okay well you guys need to talk about your whole situation  because its honestly confusing  what are you guys?" she asks i sigh "i don't know its just complicated." i say running my hands through my hair "except its not you just got to talk to him make plans with me you know" she says i just nod in response "thanks ally for everything" I say pulling out my phone and unlocking it 


me: hey wanna meet up tomorrow?

A/n: hey guys sorry for not updating alot recently I've been busy with school and I got COVID so that was fun (jk) it sucked but anyways I hope y'all liked the chapter please vote and comment so ik what y'all are thinking it would help me out alot thank you all so much have great day!❤️

Word count: 1,482 words.

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