chapter 26

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Chapter 26


                               Season 2 episode 11

Stiles pov:

        I hear her groan in pain "what is it? what's wrong?" I ask holding her tightly. She removes her hand from her stomach to reveal a stab wound my eyes widen in horror "oh my god" I state while putting pressure on her wound "what happened" I ask she looks at me "matt stabbed me" she whispers in pain. as I'm about to say something I realize that her eyes are getting droopy "Drea, Drea come on don't do this" my voice starts to crack I feel tears start to well up in my eyes "please Drea" I beg as her eyes start to close then I hear footsteps.


      We are now at the hospital they checked her out for out internal bleeds nothing else was wrong so they just stitched up her stab wound I'm currently in the waiting room waiting for the doctor "are you here for Andrea martin?" a voice asks I look up to see a doctor I quickly nod my head and I stand up. the doctor leads me to Drea's room I mutter I quick 'thank you' before going over to her side and grabbing her hand "I'm so sorry I should've been there, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." I whisper to her, I feel her hand squeez mine. my eyes widen and I look at her face to see her eyes barely open "don't be sorry there was nothing you could've done okay?" she whispers in a hoarse voice "I still could ha-" "shh.. like I said there was nothing you could have done okay?" she smiles at me I just nod. A few seconds later the doctor knocks on the door "hi Andrea how are you feeling?" the doctor asks "I'm okay" Drea says the doctor smiles "that's good well I can discharge you tomorrow okay?" the doctor tells us Drea just nods her head the doctor then smiles and leaves.

        I turn back to look at Drea, to see that she's already looking at me with a smile she pats next to her on the hospital bed "are you sure I don't want t-" "your not gonna hurt me I promise" she says. I hesitantly get next to her on the bed, I put my arm around her shoulders. She wraps her arms around my torso. A couple minutes go by and I hear her lightly snoring. I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes and eventually I fall asleep.

After that Drea and I spent the hole weekend together after she got discharged from the hospital we went to her house and I stayed the night there of course we had to explain to Lydia and her mom what happend. But other than that the weekend was fun. I was just happy to spend it with my girl.

                                     Monday morning:

       I wake to someone pressing light kisses on my stomach I open my eyes to see Drea looking up at me through her eyelashes I smile at her. Gently grab her face and bring her lips to mine, I feel her start to kiss me back before I could do anything else she pulls away "what time does school start" she asks I furrow my eye brows "8:00, why you can't go" I tell her in a duh tone. She glares at me "I know I don't have to I'm talking about you" she rolls her eyes at me "oh sorry... Why are you asking?" I say "I'm asking cause it's 7:00" she states while looking at the clock my eyes widen I jump out of the bed and I lean down and give her a quick kiss before rushing to the door "I'll text you later" I say while heading out. I take out my keys from my pocket and unlock me jeep I get in and start to drive home so I can change clothes.

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