chapter 5

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                                             Chapter 5

                                          First full moon

Andreas pov:

I'm currently walking around the bleachers looking for stiles I see him running towards Scott I start to walk towards them as Scott leaves I walk towards stiles as I hear him say "it was a wolf" okay now I'm confused there hasn't been wolves in beacon hills for over 60 years "what was the wolf?" I asked and he turns around to face me "I uh nothing. When did you get here?" He asks "just a few minutes ago" I say sweetly he nods. I clear my throat "I'm excited for the party" he looks at me "yeah me too" he says with a smile. I smile back

"Alright come on gather around bring it in!" I hear coach say as I sit on the bleachers I see Allison approaching I wave to her to come sit beside me "hey Allie" I say with a smile "hi Drea what are you doing here?" I came here to watch" I smile at her "just to watch or to see a certain someone" she says with a smile "alright maybe to see a certain someone. Recently I haven't been able to stop thinking about him, but enough of that how are you and Scott? Any progress?" "Nothing yet. But he did ask me to the party on Friday and I said yes" she says while blushing I squeal "my ship is sailing I repeat my ship is sailing! Oh my god I love you guys already I'm team scallison forever" she just gives me a confused look "scallison?" I roll my eyes playfully "Scott plus Allison duh" I say with a little bit of sass "oh." She smiles and looks down.

"Now get out there and show me what you got!" We hear coach say as we pay attention to the game well I'm not that much really I'm just looking at stiles his beautiful honey brown eyes his pale flawless skin he's so cute maybe he'd look hotter if he grew his hair out maybe some time in the future.
One of the players pass to Scott and Scott catches it and after a second he starts to run only to be knocked down by Jackson, Jackson takes his helmet off and just looks at Scott with a evil smirk, he might be Lydia's boyfriend and my Best friend but sometimes he can he a real doche...alright maybe most of the time. Now it's Scott against Jackson to see who get the ball first the whistle goes of and there goes Scott with the ball he keeps dodging all the players until three players are in one line blocking the goal I didn't think he was gonna make the shot but heres Scott doing a fucking flip over the players and making the shot.

I mean good for him but seriously dude quit being a show off. Everyone start cheering for Scott including Allison and I when all of a sudden we hear coach yelling again. "McCall get over here!" We hear him yell "yes coach" Scott says as he takes off his helmet "what in God's name was that?! this is a lacrosse field what are you trying out for the gymnastics team?!" I chuckle a little "no coach" Scott says as he shakes his head "what the hell was that?!" "I-i don't know I was just trying to make the shot." Scott says like it was obvious "yeah well you made the shot and guess what" Scott looks at him nervously "you're starting buddy" coach says as he hits Scott's shoulder "you made first line!" congrats Scott freaking McCall Allison and I hug and Scott just has this goofy smile on his face. I look up to see stiles sitting with a worried and nervous expression on his face I wonder what's wrong with him.

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