chapter 6 (new cover^^)

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Chapter 6

Second chance at first line

Andreas pov:

"Allison hey wait up" Allison spins around and smiles at me I run up to her and give her a hug. "Hi Drea" she says with a smile "hi Allie did you talk to Scott" I ask "yup" she says popping the "p" "andddddd?" I drag on "he said he was sorry and ask d for a second chance and I said I would give him a second chance" she exclaimed. I squeal with joy "oh my god yess I'm so happy!" She gives me a shy smile "what about you did you talk to stiles?" She asks "yep he said he was sorry and I forgave him" I tell her. "That's amazing Drea I'm really happy I so ship you guy, you guys would be so cute together" I blush a little "thank you. But uh I gotta to get to class I'll see you later yeah?" I ask "mhm" she replies I wave goodbye and as I'm walking to class as I see stiles down the hall.I walk up to him "hey stiles" I smile "h-hey" he stutters out "what are you doing?" I ask "m-me oh uh nothing just standing here alone just uh stiles alone doing nothing" he blurts out "alrighty then what class are you going to?" I ask "math what about you" he states
"Math. Wanna uh walk together?" I ask shyly "y-yeah if you uh want to" he stutters "yeah of course I would like to if I didn't I wouldn't have ask silly" I smile at him "oh yeah I uh knew that let's go?" He asks. I nod interlocking our fingers. He looks at me and then our conjoined hands and then back at me. I smile at him and we start walking to class.

We get to class and go to our seats as the teacher is talking I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn around to see my sister looking at me with a smirk "what?" I ask genuinely confused "I hear Scott's not playing at the game" she exclaims I furrow my eyebrows at her "okay I don't really see how that's my problem" she rolls her eyes "if we lose the game we will start the season off as a losing team and I'll be dating the captain of a losing lacrosse team and I don't date losers Drea you out of all people should know that"she says like it's obvious. I do that Lydia does not date losers she thinks it will bring down her popularity. "Yes Lydia I know, but I'm still don't see how that's my proublem" I exclaim "Drea sometimes I don't get how we are related I need you to talk to Scott and get him to play the game. And don't be nice about it." She says, my eyes widen I open my mouth about to say something but she stops me "I mean it Andrea please just do this." I look at her as she makes puppy dog eyes at me "for me" she continues I sigh "fine." She smiles at me "thank you so so much Drea you are the best sister in the whole wide world!" She exclaims I just nod in response "ms.martin and mr.mccall please come solve the problem on the board" our teacher says "which Ms. Martin?" I ask the teacher looks at me "you." He say referring to me. I stand up and go to the board to solve the problem.

"Why is there a rumor going around that your not playing the game tomarrow?" I ask Scott while solving my math problem. "Because I'm sorta not" he says I roll my eyes "I think you sorta are." I tell him while looking at him "especially when you brutally injured my sister's boyfriend by ramming into him" I exclaim going back to my math problem he turns to look at me "he brutally injured himself by ramming into me" he says like it's obvious I roll my eyes and look at him "Jackson is playing tomarrow. But he's not gonna be at his peak and I prefer my sister's boyfriend at peak performance" I say while turning away from him and going back to my problem. As he just continues to stare at me like an idiot "okay?" He says while look at his proublem but not writing anything. Idiot. "My sister dates the captain of the winning lacrosse team and if we start off the season losing my sister is dating the captain of the losing lacrosse team" I say while still solving my problem. I turn to look at him "she doesn't date losers" I exclaim he turns to look at me "losing one lacrosse game isn't gonna kill anyone infact it might save someone" he mutters the last part "fine don't play we'll probably win anyway then we'll got out just like we planned. And Lydia and I will introduce Allison to all the hot players in the team and Scott McCall can stay home surfing the internet for porn" I say while finishing up my math problem I clap my hands together to get the chalk off my hands and walk back to my seat I smile at Lydia and sit down. "Mr. McCall your not even close to solving your problem" I hear the teacher say to Scott as Scott mutters something.

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