chapter 15

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Chapter 15

                    Episode 11

Andreas pov:

        I am currently in the kitchen making food because I'm hungry "you know what I hate?" My sister asks while sitting down "what" I ask I really don't care what she has to say at the moment "how come Allison was giving me shit about kissing Scott but with she totally let it slide" I sigh "because I told her right after it happend and you didn't I don't get why your mad when you didn't think to tell her and I know for a fact you weren't going to and the only reason you told her is because you got caught in the act" I explain to her. I look up to see her mouth wide open "woah looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" I roll my eyes at her comment "whatever I'm going out" I tell her

"Where are you going you don't even have a car" she tells me "I'm walking bye" she scoffs and mutters a 'whatever' I walk out the front door and head towards my secret place in the woods.

        When I get there I sit down and take out a book and start reading all of a sudden I hear a twig snap my head shoots up to see where the noise is coming from. I don't see anything so I look back down. Then I hear another twig snap and foot steps, they start getting closer and closer I grab a stick ready to attack whatever is coming my way as the get closer I jump out and hit the thing right in it stomach
"Ow what the hell" I hear a voice yell I drop the stick "oh my god I'm so sorry" I apologize bending down to see if he's okay "it's okay" he weezes "ok so sorry I thought you were a bear or something" I explain myself "it's okay I probably would've done the same thing" the blond says "I'm Andrea" I say holding out my hand to help him up "I know" he says taking my hand as I raise a brow "oh um well I know Lydia is your sister.... I'm Isaac" he explains I smile a bit "that explains it then" I say "wait Isaac Lahey the one on the lacrosse team?" I ask I've seen him around before he usually sits alone at lunch and is alone in general.

"Uh yep that's me." He says rubbing the back of his neck "I knew I've seen you somewhere" I laugh " I'm honestly surprised you've heard of me" he says "why's that?" I ask "because your you and I'm me" he says gesturing to himself "so that doesn't mean I have not heard of you" I laugh I feel my phone buzz


Andrea where in the hell are you
We are going to the mall for winter
Formal dresses!!! You need to come
Home asap please and thanks
Love your favorite sister Lydia💗💗

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