chapter 10

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                   heart monitor 

                                                                       episode 6)

Andreas pov:

        I hadn't slept good the past few days that thing whatever it was has been burned into my memories i walk into English, i see stiles and i sit next to him "hey, wheres you partner in crime" i ask him with a smile he turns to face me with a frown my smile instantly drops. "im not talking to him at the moment" he tells me "oh." i mutter soo after scott walks in i didnt
want to listen to their conversation because i didnt want to intrude.

"the what of who?" my sister asks allie "the beast of gevaudan, listen  aquadripride (sorry i cant spell lol.) wolf like monster prowling the overn in south door- doujin  airis of France during the year 1764 to 1767 la bête killed over 100 people  becoming  so infamous  that the king lui the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it" alli tells us "boring" lydia responds "even the church eventually declared the monster the messenger of Satan" alli says while looking up from the book "mmmm...still boring" lydia tells alli again "cryptos zoologist believe it might have sub- species  of hoofed predictor  possibly misponican" "slipping into a coma boring" lydia says while picking at her food "i dont think its boring please continue" i tell allison she gives me a tight smile "while others believe it was a powerful sorcerer that could shape- shift into a man eating monster" shes finishes "does this have anything to do with your family? "my sister asks "this, it is believed that la bête was finally  trapped and killed by a renounced hunter that claims his wife and four children were the first to fall pray to the creature  his name was Argent." allison says "your ancestors killed a big wolf so what" my sister exclaims "not just a big wolf" allison says while flipping the page "take a look at this picture, what does it look like to you" she asks while showing us the picture.

        As i look at the picture i feel my heart drop it looked exactly like the thing at the video store it looked exactly the same. "lydia, drea?" i hear allison says "it looks like a big wolf see you guys in history." lydia tells her as she gets up and walks off she looks over to me "im gonna have to agree with her on this one sorry" i tell her while looking down "scott?" i hear allie say as she gets up and runs off "whats wrong with him" i ask stiles "uh... no clue hes been acting weird all day" he tells me "oh uh okay see you next period" i tell him while giving a peck on the cheek before walking away.

allison and i walk into the class allison rushed to sit by scott as i go to sit behind stiles i give him a tight smile before sitting down. "hey stiles" i greet him "hey" he responds "i changed my partners by the way" i hear allie say "to who?" i hear scott replies she furrows her eyebrows "to you dummy" she responds "i mean are you sure?" he asks "yeah this way i have an excuse to bring you home to study" she tells him "oh he responds "y-you dont mind do you?" she asks him "i just- i dont wanna bring your grade down plus whos stiles gonna work with?" he asks "he can work with drea" she says while turning to me with a smile "you dont mind do you?" she asks me "i dont mind" i tell her "lets settle down" coach says as he slams a stack of books on the desk "lets start with a quick summery of last nights reading, Greenburg put your hand down everybody knows you did the reading, how about uhh" he drags on "McCall" he says scott looks up in confusion "what?" he says "the reading" coach tells him "last nights reading?" scott asks "how about the reading of the Gettysburg address" coach says "what?" scott asks people start to laugh at his confusion "that sarcasm you familiar with the term sarcasm McCall" coach says "very." he says while looking back at stiles "so did you do the reading?" coach asks again "no, i think i forgot" scott exclaims "good job McCall its not like your not averaging a d in my class" coach says aloud  "come on buddy you know i cant keep you on the team if you have a d" coach explains "how about you summarize the previous nights reading?" "no? how about the night before that? how about you summarize anything you've ever read... in youre entire life no? a blog? how about a uh the back of a cereal box?" he says i can see Scott starting to get frustfreated  "OH MY GOD SHUT UP" I yell, everyone turns to look at me my face instantly turns red "uhh...andrea what did you just say" coach asks clearly shocked i dont know what possessed me to be so disrespectful but i couldn't stop the words that came out of my mouth "i said shut. the. fuck. up.... please" i say his face turns red "principles office now!" he says i gather my things and head to the office.

A/n: another chapter done! Hope y'all enjoyed! Remember to vote and comment please thank you

Word count:910

Love you all


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