chapter 4

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                                       Chapter 4

                                        You like him don't you?

Andreas pov:

We got broken out of our little world when we heard laughing it was coach and the lacrosse team "way to catch it with your face McCall" we heard Greenburg say stiles puts his head down in disappointment "Ayo Greenburg shut the hell up like you can do better my grandma can probably throw better then you!" I yelled he just looked at me dumbfounded and stayed quite. Stiles looks at me with his big cute smile, we see Scott get back up and this time he looks determined I'm pretty sure he's trying to impress Allison. Another lacrosse player goes to throw his ball in the net not expecting Scott to catch it but he does. Scott looks at the ball he just caught in amazement and in surprise I guess it's his first time catching a ball or something not sure. He looks from the ball to the player that just has this stupied look on his face that makes me wanna punch him. Stiles looks at his friend and smiles and says "yeah!" I smiles at stiles excitement for his friend another player goes to throw the ball at the net again but Scott catches it again! Stiles's smile grows even wider coach looks at Scott in pure shock as Scott just keeps catching all the balls that we're thrown his way. As another lacrosse player was about to throw another ball the one and only Jackson whitmore stops and gets ready to throw his ball I look from Jackson to Scott and Scott looks nervous as Jackson starts to run from the field he shoots the ball and Scott catches it damn. That's gonna hurt Jacksons ego stiles stands up "that's my friend!" he yells in excitement for his friend and Jackson just stands there and looks confused as I stand and start clapping I look back to find Allison and Lydia doing the same.

Lydia looks over at Jackson and gives him smiles that's full of sass I smile and look back to stiles to find him already looking back at me we stare at each other for a minute and then look back to the field.
Soon after practice ends and I see stiles about to leave "hey stiles wait up!" He turns around to face me with that same look of confusion on his face "h-hey what's up?" He asks me "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to be my the uh" why was I so nervous just spit it out Drea god damn. "To the party. Would you like to be my date for the party on Friday?" I finally blurt out as I look down and then back up at him. God he's tall i've never noticed. "YES!" he blurts out "i-i mean yeah totally" he says with a big smile on his face "okay great I'll see you there" I say blushing I give him a short hug and walk to Lydia's car as I got in my sister looks at me with one of her faces "what?" I ask in total confusion she just smiles "who's that because your blushing and you never blush" my twin says with a huge grin on her face "his name is stiles stilinski and I asked him to be my date for the party" I say " guys would be cute together I guess as long as he makes you happy" she says with a smile. I smiles back at her and she starts the car and drives off.


Stiles pov:

After my conversation with Andrea Scott and I go to look for his inhaler in the woods "i-i don't know what it was it's like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball" Scott says in amazement "and that's not the only weird thing. I hear stuff that I shouldn't be able to hear,smell things" he continues I look at him "smell things? like what?" I raise a brow and look at him in confusion "like the metmojil gum in your pocket" he says like it was so obvious. I pat my pockets "I don't even have metmojil gum-" I didn't even get to finish as I pull gum out of my pocket  Scott puts his arms up and starts to walk away as I follow  "so all this started with a bite" I am gonna have fun with this one I thought what i-if it's like an infection like my body is flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something" my best friend asks worriedly I smiles to myself "you know what I've actually think I've heard of this it does specific type of infection" Scott stops dead in his tracks and turns around to look at me with a face full of fear confusion. And it's awesome I love torturing him like this "are you serious?" He asks me with all seriousness "yeah" I say as I put my hands on my hips and turn to face him completely "yeah I thinks it's called lycanthropy" I say with an all to serious act Scott just looks at me and his eyebrows raise "what is that? Is that bad?!" My best friend asks "oh yeah it's the worse but only once a month." I say and Scott just looks at me confused "once a mounth?" He asks "mhm..on the night of a full moon"
He just stands there and keeps looking at me with confusion all over his face god do I have to make it more obvious "ar-whooo" I find this hilarious Scott not so much he pushes my chest and I stumbled back and start laughing a little "hey you're the one who heard a wolf howling" he starts to walk again "well there could be something seriously wrong with me" he says "I know your a werewolf! Rrrr" I say as joke he just looks at me with a look that says 'please just drop this it's not funny' "okay obviously I'm kidding but if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find it's cuz Friday is a full moon" we stop walking cuz this is supposedly where Scott found the dead body last night.

"I-i-i could have sworn this was it I saw the body the deer came running I dropped my inhaler" he says as he starts to bend down and look for the body or his inhaler I'm assuming his inhaler I decide to speak up "maybe the killer move the body" he looks up at me "if he did I hope he left my inhaler those things are like 80 bucks" I laugh a little all of a sudden a figure appears behind us I slaps got shoulder signaling him to get up Scott stand up and we faced the dude he looks familiar though, I wonder where he's from. The guy starts walking towards us "what are you doing here?" He says as he continues to walk and I reach behind my head and start to scratch my head I Scott just looks at the guy in shock "huh? This is private property" I look at him for a few more seconds trying to figure out where I've seen his face or where I known from I finally decide to speak up "uhh sorry man we didn't know" I say. I look at Scott he's just staring at the guy "yeah we were just looking for something but" the guy raises his brows signaling for Scott to continue "uh forget it" Scott finally finishes his sentence they guys reaches into his pocket and throws something at Scott which Scott catches it, it's his inhaler it finally clicks he was derek hale. Derek starts to walk away I just star at him in pure shock  Scott just looks at me "alright come in got to get to work." He says I stop I'm by putting my hand on his shoulder "dude that was Derek Hale you remember right he's only like a few years older than us" "remember what?" Oh my- is he serious how could he not remember "his family! Burned to death in a fire like 10 years ago" Scott has a shocked look on his face "I wonder what he's doing back" I scoff "come on" I say while walking away I wonder what Andrea is doing right now I still can't believe she asked me the weird nerd to be her date to the party on Friday.

A/n: hey guy sorry for the wait I've been busy with school and I've been trying to keep up my grades so yeah I finally found some time to write hope you guys enjoy this chapter don't forget to vote and comment also if you have any ideas for up coming chapters please let me know also any ideas for a ship name for Andrea and stiles lmk love you all hope you have an amazing day or evening❣️💗

Word count: 1,528

Love you all

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