chapter 11

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chapter 9

                        night school

                                                                                                (episode 7)

Andreas pov:

         After the little incident with coach i got sent home my mom got called i guess its safe to say I'm grounded I'm in my room when my sister walks in "come on we're going out" she says "cant I'm grounded" i tell her, she rolls her eyes "oh well your still coming" she tells me I know there's no getting out of this one so I just nod in response, she smiles and grabs my arm we get outside.

         We get into Jacksons car "hey Drea" he says "hey jack" I greet him  we pull out of the driveway and head to Allison's house "I'm calling Allison" Jackson says the phone rings for a few seconds "Lydia says we're coming to get you" he tells her "please don't okay I'm sure hes on his way hes only 26 minutes late" I hear her say "you hear that first its hes only 26 minutes late, a month later its he only hits me when hes drunk" Lydia says "slippery soap Allison slippery soap" i tell her "we're picking you up" Jackson tells her "no" "to late" he says while putting the car in park "Lydia gets what Lydia wants" he says he only nods in response "come on get in we can stop by his place see where hes at " jack tells her, her phone goes off "is that him with the best explanation ever n why hes half an hour late?" I ask "not exactly" she tells us "he says to meet him at the school" she tells us "okay well get in" I tell her.

Lydia and I are in the car while Jackson and Allison are talking if you ask me it looks like Jackson is flirting with Allison and I know Lydia can see it too she just hasn't said anything about it. it pisses me off the Jackson is flirting with her knowing he has a girlfriend especially sense its my sister Jackson come back into the car and I glare at him "what" he asks me i say nothing I just roll my eyes at him "do you see that?" Jackson asks us "see what" i respond "that hood on the piece of crap jeep looks crapier than usual" he explains "wait where are you going" hey that's stiles jeep" Lydia and i say at the same time  "okay i don't really care and to take a look stay here" he says "we're not staying in the car" Lydia tells him "just stay in the damn ca-" he couldn't finish his sentence "we're not staying in the car!" i partially yell at him "fine god don't have a melt down" he says bitterly i just roll my eyes as we all get out of the car and go to take a look at the jeep we see scratch marks on stiles' jeep "well wont you look at that it is indeed a piece of crap" Lydia says "hey some people don't have the kind of money to spend on sports cars or some don't even want to spend the money on them so shut up" i tell them "whatever can we get Allison and leave now" my sister asks i don't wait for an answer i just walk into the school 

         we continue to walk around the school looking for Allison after 30 minutes of looking we finally find her with Scott and stiles "finally can we go now?" my sister asks Allison nods, we are about to leave when we hear a thud above us , Lydia holds my hand "run!" Scott says as we all book it we keep running and whatever was above us is now chasing us, we run into a class room and Allison, Lydia , Jackson and Scott start to barricade the door Stiles and i look at the at windows to each other "Scott wait not here" stiles tries to tell his friend "what was that Scott? what was that?" Allison asks her boyfriend "guys?" stiles try's to say "just wait a second" i try to tell them "can we wait a second?" Stiles tries to yell over the moving furniture  "guys" i say "stiles talking" he says again but they just continue to move the chairs and tables "can we hang on one second" stiles says again "GUYS STOPMOVING THE GOD DAMN STUFF AND WAIT A DAMN MINUTE AND LISTEN TO WHAT STILES IS TRYING TO SAY" i yell as loud as i could they all pause their movements and turn to look at stiles and i "okay nice work really beautiful job everyone now  what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows" he gestures to the windows their faces drop "will somebody please explain to me what the hell is going on because im freaking out here" Allison asks her voice laced with fear "somebody killed the janitor" stiles speaks up "w-what" "yeah the janitors dead" he say again "what's he talking about is this a joke" Allison asks i go to move towards my sister  "wh- who killed him?" Jackson asks "no n-no this was suppose to be over the mountain lio-" "don't you get it there wasn't a mountain lion" Jackson cuts my sister off

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