chapter 13

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Chapter 13

                                 Episode 9

                                                       Wolf's bane


Andreas pov:

I wake up with the sun coming down on my face, I groan and rub my eyes I'm still kind of hurt over what stiles said I get out of bed and pick out a red skin tight shirt with some jeans and Converses, I put my hair in a a ponytail and grab my bag and head downstairs. "Hey" I hear my sister say "hi are you ready to go I just want to get this day over with" I say grabbing an apple "yep but I swear to God if I see stiles I'm gonna hit him I don't know what he said or did but whatever it was it must've been bad because you seem really sad last night" she explains while walking to the front door "Please don't" I say getting into her car.

We arrive at school and we meet up with Allison "hey" I greet her "hey you alright? Where's stiles have you seen him yet" she asks. I shake my head no and walk to my first period which I have with the devil himself just then I see Scott walk in with the one and only stiles Stilinski him and I make eye contact I can only see the things in his expression guilt and regret he tells something to Scott before he starts walking towards me I take a deep breath and trying to put on a brave face.

Stiles pov:
"Just ease your way back into it" I tell Scott. I forgave Scott for kissing Drea and he told me what really happened that he kissed her and she nailed him right in the groin I can't help but feel guilty for what I said to her it was uncalled for and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Scott and I walk into first period a see her we make eye contact for a few seconds she's sad I can tell by the look in her face when she looks at me "hey uh I gotta go talk to Drea" I tell Scott "good luck" I hear him mutter I start to walk towards her desk while wiping my palms on my pants "h-hey" I say she looks up at me "hi." She whispers out "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I shouldn't have said what I said yesterday I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and just assumed you kissed Scott, also I wasn't trying to get closer to your sister if I'm being honest I don't even like her like that. I like you a lot, I should've given you a chance to explain yourself I'm really sorry and I hope you except my apology." I say to her she just has a blank expression on her face then she scoffs "I can't forgive you yet you said a lot of shit that hurt and I did explain myself to you but you didn't believe me you were so cruel I didn't like that side of you stiles and I never want to see it again. It's gonna take a lot more then a small apology for me to forgive you" she explains I sigh in defeat "I'll do whatever it takes to make you forgive me I'll wait for you however long it takes I swear" I tell her she just nods and goes back to writing well this is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.

Andreas pov:

After my run in with stiles the day went on per usual I walked into my 3rd period with Allison and I saw Scott about to take the seat behind her so I move as quickly as I can and slam my hands on the desk "find another Row sweetheart" I smile at him as I sit down Allison looks behind me and gives me a thankful smile "okay let's start off with what we were talking about yesterday" I hear the teacher say all of a sudden I see Allison run out of the class. What the hell did that boy do now.

I shake my head and start taking notes down. I look to my side to see my sister giving a questionable stare I just shrug to indicate I don't know what's going on.

Later that day

Me and my sister run out of 5th. Because of the text Jackson sent Lydia which was basically a breakup text "Jackson this little text not funny" my sister says to Jackson "no I wasn't trying to be funny I would have put a ha ha at the end of it there's no ha ha" Jackson explains like she stupid "Lydia please give me back my spare house key at your earliest convenience" she reads the text "as we are no longer dating?" My sister asks he just looks at her "you didn't lose it did you?" He has the nerve to ask that?! What the fuc- frick how arrogant can he be "what the hell is this?" My sister asks him angry "well uh I'm in preparation for some big changes I decided to drop some of the Dead weight in my life and you are just about the deadest" he says with a smirk what the actual hell what changes?? "Are you breaking up with me?" My sister asks taken aback by his words "dumping actually I'm dumping you" he says as he's about to walk away but Lydia grabs him by the sleeve of his jacket "dumped by the co-captain of the lacrosse team I wonder how many minutes it will take for me to get over that no wait seconds actually." She tells him he just smiles and he's about to walk away when I grab the collar of his jacket and sock him in the face "just remember Jackson you will always be second place so whoever got you what your getting got it first you always be a second place loser just remember that. Oh and you got blood on your shirt"

I say while grabbing Lydia's hand and we walk to the bathroom when enter the bathroom Lydia has tears turning down her face "why does it hurt this bad" she asks "it's called heartbreak and it's going to hurt for a while but I promise it will get better you will find someone way better than him who will treat you like the queen you are don't let some loser like Jackson whitmore bring you down your Lydia Martin you can get any guy you want" I say she smiles and wipes her tears "you're right I'm Lydia Martin and I'm hot" she says and walks out.

Later Lydia and I go to the lacrosse game tonight we sit next to Allison and her aunt and father I see Scott but no styles I want to forgive stiles so I need to talk to him tonight "I'll be right back" I tell Allison and my sister. I walked towards Scott "hey Scott do you know where Stiles is?" I ask in a cold tone because I don't really like Scott anymore. "Uh he... Uh- umm he's at home he went to uhh get some stuff so he'll be late" he says "okay" I say while walking away "wait Andrea" I hear him call for me I turn around "I just want to say I'm sorry and I shouldn't have kissed you and I'm sorry" he apologized "okay uh it's fine whatever bye" I say and I walk away from him.

The game went on there was still no sign of styles so I just tell Lydia and Allison I'm going to go home early tonight and I head out  and go home.

A/n:Hello loves I am so so sorry for not updating the story I've been really busy recently school just started up again so I'm trying to do all my homework but sense I finished all that early I figured I'd write also guys please comment and vote I would really appreciate it I love all of you thank you so so much for all the followers on here and on tik tok love you all lots hope you guys have a good night, mourning, afternoon or evening whatever time it is for you guys


Word count: 1,395 words

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