Chapter 1 - Betrayal

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"Pete" Off called in a warning tone, feeling the anger boiling in his friend. Even standing five feet apart, he could sense the heat of Pete's wrath. Mint, however, didn't seem to be intimidated, considering the situation her fiancé caught her in. She looked cooly at the man lying naked on her bed and then at Pete and sighed,

"Pete, don't make a scene here. We are not married yet. And it's not like we are in love. We both know that this is a marriage of convenience. I am sorry you saw me like this. But it would be better if you go now. We can talk about this later".

As he walked towards the bed, Pete slowly removed the engagement ring on his finger. Placing it next to the table, he said "There is nothing to talk about, Mint. This is over". Glaring at the man who was struggling to pull his pants up, he left.

Off ran to catch up with him as Pete hurried towards the elevator. As the doors opened, he stopped suddenly, looked at Off, and said "I want every single detail of that man tomorrow morning on my table".

The menacing tone sent a shiver down Off's neck. He dared not think how his friend was going to bring down the man who had slept with his fiancé.

"It was a marriage of convenience", Pete thought as he drove erratically through the narrow streets. He had to let off his steam. He sent his driver back home and hopped on behind the steering wheel. Long drives usually relaxed him. 

But not today.

Arranged by their parents, Mint and his union was more of a business decision than that of the heart. He knew that. But the last 6 months that they were engaged he had actually grown fond of Mint. She was sophisticated, fashionable, and carried herself elegantly. She had her own fashion line and was passionate about her work.

After the first few dates, he found himself relaxing in her company. And after spending Valentine's day weekend with her on his yacht, he found himself feeling better about his impending marriage. She seemed, what his mother kept reminding him, as a perfect match for his status, their family, and their business.

Until today. When Off came and hesitatingly told him that Mint was still seeing her old boyfriend. When he saw her in bed with another man. When he understood that he was just a business deal for her. When he realized that as always, it was only and only about his money.

His feelings hurt, his anger rising, and his ego bruised, he kept pressing his foot on the accelerator. It was a fraction of a second too late when he saw the bike in front of him stop for an elderly pedestrian to cross.

As he pushed the brake with all his strength, his sedan brushed against the back of the bike, atop of which sat a man with a pink helmet. 

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