Chapter 13 - Gratitude

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"So, what did you want to talk about?" Kao broke the spell.

"What work do you do with the people at the slums?"

"Oh...mostly help people with jobs. So, our organization helps them to get work experience and assists them in starting and running a business. Connect them to banks or investors who can lend them money. We have helped them start handiwork projects, clothes stalls, cafes, etc. We also train teenagers and youth with job-oriented programs. Why...why do you ask?"

"It is something I am looking for as a part of the CSR program. Investing in the projects"

"Oh...that's...that's great. There is a lot of potential in the people there. They could go places with a little help. I will connect you with Alice, our center head. She will tell in detail about our various projects and where we need investment."

"Ok. Sounds good. I will ask my CSR department to get in touch with her".

"Anything..." Kao was about to ask when the waiter came with a huge slice of cake which he kept in front of Kao and a cup of coffee for Pete.

"Whaattt...this is your birthday cake...I have been dreaming about its taste ever since," Kao grinned as he scooped and put a big piece in his mouth. Pete found himself smiling seeing Kao's enthusiasm.

"Thank you, Kao," Pete said softly as Kao was halfway through the cake.


"For that day. It was very kind of you. I wasn't in a place to thank you then.....and also for your gift"

"Now you are embarrassing me....that book wasn't even new...I don't know what I was thinking," Kao said looking abashed.

"No, no, was the best gift I received."

"You are pulling my leg" Kao pouted and Pete felt a jolt of electricity pass through him.

"No, I mean it. I hope I can repay the kindness one day."

"Really?...ok tell you me this cake for my birthday and we'll call the kindness even," Kao said pointing at the half-eaten cake.

Pete let out a loud laugh..."Yes, Kao. I will get this cake for your birthday"

"It's a promise."

"Definitely. I will keep my word." Pete affirmed emphatically.

"Thank you, Pete", Kao said as they stood on the steps bidding goodbye. "I will tell Alice about the investing plans. I hope we can work together on this. And thanks for the cake".

"It was nice seeing you, Kao. Thanks for coming. Do you want me to drop you somewhere?"

"No, I have my bike. I'll see you" Kao smiled as he waved at Pete.

It was just a coffee and of course, the best cake he had ever eaten, and Pete mostly wanted to talk about his work, yet Kao felt overjoyed that he could finally make dents in Pete's cold exterior. He even was able to make the guy smile twice or thrice. And every time that happened, Kao found himself melting in its brightness.  Maybe, with the investment, they might have more opportunities to see each other. The thought made him beam.

Pete watched Kao walk away, with a glow on his face. He knew talking about CSR was an excuse, he could have done that over the phone or a mail. But he wanted to thank Kao for that day, and for the gift. He meant what he said. He never felt this touched getting any other gift. He had been reading it every night these past few days, a foray into his childhood memories. Also for some reason, it was absolute bliss to watch the man eat cake. And his heart almost did a somersault as he saw that rosy lips pout.

He was about to make his way to the car when he heard someone calling his name. It was Rain, son of an acquaintance of his father. Pete sighed as he raised his hand. They were classmates in high school, but for some reason never got along well with each other. It was like Rain was always looking to get one up on Pete.

"Hey...Pete...this is a surprise...I thought you had expensive taste. This is pitiable, even for you" Rain smirked and Pete had an inkling that the guy was going to spoil his wonderful afternoon.

He was right.

Priceless - A PeteKao Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now