Chapter 19 - Explanation

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The empty space on the bed.

That was all Kao could think of as Pete walked and thrust the newspaper on his face.

"What the hell is this, Kao? Did you do this? Are you the one who leaked this picture?"

Kao had come here to explain to Pete about the picture. To apologize for an accidental mistake he made. But, standing in front of Pete, the newspaper and the picture were eclipsed by the image of the empty space on the bed when he woke up that morning.

The humiliation, the pain, the hurt. The dejection he went through these last two weeks. Days of waiting for a message to pop up on the phone. Standing in front of Pete's office and home trying to catch a glimpse of the man. Nights of crying. Becoming angry at himself for being so vulnerable. Feeling stupid. And then crying more.

It all came back to Kao as he stared at Pete.

"You disappeared" He murmured.


"You just left..." He murmured again, this time looking directly at Pete.

"I am not talking about that Kao" Pete snapped back.

"I am, Pete," Kao said emphatically

"That is not important now. What I am...."

"Not important? Not important? You were not here when I got up. You just...just went away. No message, no call, nothing, Pete. Nothing. Did you even bother to think what I would feel?" Kao said fighting back his tears that threatened to spill out any moment.

Pete was starting to realize that he was so consumed by his own concerns that he hadn't really thought what Kao would be going through. He just assumed that he would talk to Kao when he came back and everything would be ok.

Though right then, the issue in question was something else.

"I needed some time for myself. And I was planning to talk to you when I was ready. But how did this photo..." Pete's words were cut off by an indignant Kao.

"That is your arrogance speaking. How did you assume that I would talk or see you when you left while I was sleeping without even so much as a message?  Did you expect me to just wait till you showed up whenever you wanted to?  Listen to me, Mr. Vihokratana, no matter who you are, I won't let you or anyone treat me like that."

"So, this your revenge, eh Kao?...Some way of getting back at me? Or was this some kind of sinister plan you had all along? Blackmail, extortion, a honey trap?"

"Is that what you think of me, Pete?" Kao didn't even bother keeping back his tears anymore. He felt defeated hearing Pete's words.

"I don't know, Kao. I don't know what to think of you anymore." Pete replied his expression softening a bit, seeing the tears rolling down Kao's cheeks. He had the urge to wipe them off, to pull him into a hug, to kiss those eyes and that lips. But he quickly regained his composure as he looked down at the paper again. Kao had also turned out to be not so different from others.

"Well, in that case, I don't have anything more to speak to you." Kao turned his back.

"Oh won't go anywhere without giving me an explanation" Pete stepped in front menacingly.

"Yes, that's right. I am not the type of person who goes away without giving an explanation. Being an asshole is your specialty, not mine. So, should I tell it just to you or to the entire audience waiting in the other room? I don't want to repeat myself." Kao said, his voice steely.

Maybe he was going down, but he still wouldn't let anyone stomp on his self-dignity.


A few days back, Kao found himself standing in front of Pete's office staring at the tall glass building. He honestly didn't know what he was doing there. He stood there almost for an hour when he saw a familiar car stop next to him. It was his friend Gun.

"What are you doing, Kao?" Gun asked softly as they started to drive back.

"I don't know....I was just walking to clear my mind and I didn't even realize I had reached here. Gun, I just...I just want to see him."

"He is not here, Kao. He is in Tokyo for some client meetings."

"Tokyo? Japan? He left?...Wait, how do you know?" Kao looked at him in surprise. So, Pete had simply left the country after their night together?

"I have my sources." Gun didn't elaborate and Kao didn't ask anything more.

They remained silent for the rest of their ride back. He had been staying at Gun's home for the last two days because the nights were becoming particularly unbearable. Gun's mom and sister were very fond of Kao, and he always felt comfortable and happy at his best friend's place. The small yet charming abode always carried a welcoming feel.

Not on that day.

Gun and Kao opened the door and gaped in shock as they found themselves suddenly overpowered by two bulky men. Gun's scream was cut short as a punch landed on his face and Kao was too stunned to even react. He tried to open his mouth but no sound came out.

Before they could grasp what was happening, they were pushed to a chair and their hands tied behind.

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