Chapter 26 - Love

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Pete stared out of the window into the moonless night sky as he waited for the oven to preheat. This was the last night of the month. He couldn't believe how quickly the month went by. And he marveled at how happy he felt being with Kao. When he first came, all he knew was he loved Kao. The last few days showed him how much. He would gladly give up his life in a blink for Kao. He had never known this strong an emotion for anyone ever before.

But he has been feeling the tension in the pit of his stomach the last few days. Kao had still not given him a definite answer. Of course, there is no doubt that Kao loved him too, but did he earn Kao's trust? Would he be willing to go the distance with him? They talked about everything in the world, except what would happen after the month. Pete didn't ask either. He didn't want to push Kao to make a decision.

He didn't know what the next day would bring. All he knew was that he loved Kao. And maybe, just maybe that was all it mattered.

A man could only hope.

Kao stirred in his sleep as a banging of vessels disturbed him. He reached out to his side, only to feel an empty bed. His heart still jumped subconsciously if he couldn't feel Pete by his side. The noise from the kitchen woke him and he jolted up. It was a few minutes to midnight. What was Pete doing in the middle of the night in the kitchen?

The scene in front made him stop short, his jaw hitting the ground. The kitchen looked like it had been hit by a hurricane. And in the middle of it, Pete was standing with an apron around him, his hair and face strewed with white flour and lumps of pink jelly-like substance.

"Eh, Kao...Happy birthday!". He shifted his gaze to the pink lump on the kitchen counter. "The cake....from Desserts on Main, I had promised I would get one for your birthday. But since I didn't have the money, I called the owner and got the recipe. I followed the exact measurements....I don't know....don't know what happened. It tastes ok, I think, though it looks like crap. Oh, god! I am sorry Kao, I'll buy one for you tomorrow."

Kao stared at the man in front of him. A knot twisted in the depths of his heart, got stuck in his throat, and came out as flowing tears. Before he knew it, he was holding Pete and sobbing on his chest. He truly appreciated all the sacrifices Pete made this last month,  all that he gave up to merge in Kao's world. He had felt the strength of Pete's passion and the weakness of his heart. He recognized the extent of Pete's love and more importantly, his own. 

"Kao, what happened? Why are you crying? Kao, tell me, what happened?" Pete tried to shake the weeping Kao.

"I am scared, Pete, I am scared that someday you will stop wanting me this much."

"That's impossible. How can I? There is only one you in this world," Pete said softly as he tightened his embrace around Kao.

"Will this work, Pete? I mean, us. This was just one month. It's not going to be easy like this."

Pete slowly pulled Kao and stared into the soft brown eyes in front of him. He smiled softly. "No, Kao, it's not going to be a fairytale. We come from different worlds, we have lived all our lives in different worlds and it is not going to be easy to understand and adapt to the other side. We will have to be patient with each other and help each other. There will be moments of frustration, fear, of confusion. But, I hope that if there is something this past month has shown you, it is that I am ready to do whatever it takes to make us work. And that is all I ask of you too. A chance, for me and for us."

"I am scared, Pete," Kao whispered.

"I am too, baby. But I also know that I love you so so much and I can't imagine a life without you. And that you love me too. Let's give us a chance, Kao." 

Kao felt the tightness in his chest ebb away as he looked into the face of the man he loved and saw the same love glistening back. He had no idea how their future would be. But for today, he had Pete and Pete had him. And that was enough.

"Happy Birthday", Pete said again as he scooped a spoonful of cake and gave Kao. "How is it?" He asked warily.

"As bad as I expected. Oh, Pete, listen, here is the deal. You have to bake me this cake every birthday till you perfect it. And if you still don't get it right by the time I turn seventy, I am going to find someone else". Kao rolled his eyes playfully.

"Deal" laughed Pete as he pulled Kao closer. They stared at each other, as the eyes filled with yearning, the hearts gushed with emotion, and the distance between their lips blurred.

The kisses tasted of strawberries and promises.

Of passion and desire. Of hopes and dreams. Of love.


This is the end of my story, but the start of the lifelong togetherness for Pete and Kao.

Thank you for reading, and for all the likes and comments.

Until the next story, so long.....

P.S - A picture of the perfect 'Pink delight' that Pete made on Kao's 63rd birthday, 7 years earlier than his deadline :) 

S - A picture of the perfect 'Pink delight' that Pete made on Kao's 63rd birthday, 7 years earlier than his deadline :) 

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