Chapter 16 - Passion

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Do the secrets of the night become bitter truths of the morning?

Kao sat on the balcony of Pete's house, overlooking the sprawling lush green backyard. It was the crack of dawn, and the midnight blues were beginning to wither away to the orange hues of the rising sun. Kao sat there, hugging his knees and staring in front of him, nothing in particular, just staring, the images of last night running like a motion picture in his mind. Some clear, others blurred, some tender, others sensuous...and every single one imprinted in his memories forever.

They hadn't even stepped into the house when Kao felt Pete's lips crashing on his. Kao wanted to look around if anyone else was at home, Pete's parents, maids? What about the bodyguards? They might have shadowed them even if they kept a distance. Where are they? He wanted to ask.

But his senses worked only momentarily; only till he succumbed to the silken lips of the man in front of him. They started shyly, nibbling each other, taking in the taste and feel of one another until they couldn't hold in anymore. As Pete pulled him towards the bedroom the kisses turned passionate, then animalistic, their tongues literally in each other's throats. Kao could taste the blood on Pete's lips as they broke off to catch their breath.

They fumbled with each other's dresses as they fell into the bed. The chiseled tanned body of Pete was in perfect contrast to the milky white porcelain skin of Kao. They explored each other's bodies, first with the eyes, then with the lips, and finally with the tongues.

It was like they couldn't stop devouring each other.

They didn't talk much, yet the sounds they made revealed the pleasure they were experiencing. Kao felt a sudden giggle escape his mouth as Pete licked through his happy trail and then a groan as he went lower. Though it was nothing compared to the sound Pete made as Kao sucked his Adam's apple. It was like a growl that magnified the voluptuous passion inside both of them. They scratched and bit, sucked and licked, kissed and kissed and kissed, took turns in being inside each other, and climaxed together. They stopped only when their bodies collapsed in exhaustion, their minds still reluctant to stop. As they lay in silent embrace, Kao's head resting on Pete's chest, he could feel the soft kisses Pete planted on the top of his head. Kao responded by hugging Pete tighter like he didn't want to let him go. Like he didn't want to let the moment go. Ever.

As the weariness of the day caught up, they fell asleep, their naked bodies entangled, and their hearts thumping in unison. The dreams then took over, escorting them to the wonderland of sunshine, lollipop, and rainbows.

Until a few hours later when Kao jolted from his slumber into reality.

He watched the slow rise and fall of the chest of the man next to him, his light snores, the slight partition of the lips, the crumpled hair. His warmth, his face, his body. Him. And felt a sharp pang in his heart. Because even as his heart overflowed with love for this man, Kao knew there was only one way this would end - in his heartbreak. He slowly tiptoed to the balcony and sat there on the cold floor, a tear breaking out of his eye. His body was sore, his soul sorer. As Pete subtly put it, the distance and the difference between the two was a barrier too high for Kao to cross.

The pink lotuses in the backyard pond were looking eager and flustered, as they waited for the sun's rays to caress them to bloom. Kao could understand their emotions. He felt the same last night. Nervous excitement. As if the heart was popping with happiness and apprehension at the same time. He looked at his sun, still soundly sleeping. Peaceful. Like a child.

Kao had no idea what this night meant for Pete, but for him, it was a treasure. And he was going to cherish it even if he had only a few hours left. He went back and slipped inside the blanket next to Pete. The morning sun had slowly started creeping in through the lace curtains. Kao suddenly took his phone and captured a selfie of them. Him and Pete. Them, together. This was going to be his memory, the memento of the most beautiful night of his life.

Somewhere between hope and despair, he dozed off. A few hours later, he awoke to empty space next to him.

Pete was gone.

The passion of the night had given way to the reality of the day.

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