Chapter 22 - Prenup

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Kao had a beautiful dream the night before. He and Pete were far far away from the city, just the two of them in a small cottage nestled in the folds of lush green hills. There was a river gushing by the side, where they went swimming. Around them the sun shone, the birds sang and the flowers bloomed. They baked, enjoying the whiff of the freshly baked bread, and cooked meals together. They cuddled with each other in the glow of the burning fire, under the warm fleece blanket, their bodies entwined as they whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears which then ended in passionate lovemaking.

It was heaven. It was a fairytale. Pete and Kao. Kao and Pete. Them and their love.

The illusions came crumbling in the angst of his emotions as Kao sat in one corner of the long oval table hearing the men around talk and argue.

When Off told him to come to the office two days later, preferably with his lawyer, his first thought was Pete had recanted and was going to sue him for leaking the picture. Alice called in a favor with one of her friends and arranged a lawyer for him. As his lawyer Arm and he were ushered into the room, Kao's eyes searched for Pete. He hadn't talked to him since that day in the house. He was hoping Pete would call him, maybe for a coffee, or dinner. He was hoping that they could talk candidly about their emotions. He was hoping they could learn more about each other, their likes, dislikes, dreams, hopes, secrets. He kept hoping and hoping.

Pete walked in with his set of lawyers and Off, and they pushed a set of documents into his lawyer's hand. Kao's eyes widened as he went through the documents and realized what they were. He looked up at Pete, but Pete's eyes were fixed on his lawyer who was explaining the terms and conditions of the agreement. With Arm interrupting in between, injecting his points.

Kao thought about his dream yesterday night, and he could feel the letters in front of him getting blurred.

They hadn't even had their first date, and here they were discussing what his share would be if they split. How much he would get if they split after one year, after three years, after five years. If there were kids involved. If he cheated. If Pete cheated. The percentages, shares, stocks, properties.

He almost laughed out loud at the irony of the situation.

He hadn't even told Pete how much he loved him, and here they were putting a price on their love. On his love.

He couldn't take it anymore. He knew Pete was forced to say yes to the sake of his company, but he had thought there would be some sunshine for them as they tread together into the future. That they would make it work, slowly but steadily build a relationship on friendship, trust, care, and love. He wasn't sure anymore.

Kao slowly got up and took a stride towards Pete. Hurt was written all around his face. When he reached the end of the table, Kao looked up at the tall, imposing figure of one of the wealthiest men in the country. The pain churning inside him turned into anger.

He thrust the papers at Pete and said in a deliberate voice, "You may have all the money in the world, Pete, but never, never ever put a price on my life....or on my love".

He turned around and walked away, leaving a confused Pete holding the crumpled papers in his hand.


Pete reached the door in two strides and yanked Kao around. Staring into that beautiful brown eyes which were radiating hurt at that moment, he asked confusingly, "You said love?"

Kao looked at Pete and gave a sad smile. "Pete, it is true that you haven't known me long, but I hope you at least know me enough to recognize that I am not the kind of the person who will get engaged or marry for money...or business, or your company....not for anything else, Pete, not for anything else but love."

He turned around and walked, broken-hearted.

Pete just stood there with the documents in his hands, staring at the back of a briskly walking Kao, comprehending at that moment that he was also in this for love, and only love.

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