Chapter 23 - Penance

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Kao let out a small sigh of disappointment as he opened the door and saw Off standing outside the door. He had hoped it would be someone else. Gosh, he really needs to stop expecting things from Pete.

"Did your boss send you?" Kao asked sarcastically.

"No, I came as his friend." Off said as he walked into the small one-bedroom apartment. "Look, Kao," he continued, "I know you are upset about the prenup..."

"It's not the prenup, Off. Hell, I even know how it has given financial protection to a lot of people. That's not the point. I'll sign the damn thing. I don't even care about that. I just...just realized that it's all business for Pete. We haven't even talked properly, Off. We haven't talked about our life or future, and the first thing we discuss is how we will split property if we separate. I don't want to start like this. I don't want my love to be treated like this, like it's nothing but some numbers."

"Kao, I really do understand what you are saying. Believe me, I do. I would have felt the same had I been in your shoes. But you have to understand that Pete is in a different situation. It is....people like us can't even comprehend his position. Every move he makes, every decision he takes, even a photo, a rumor, a word out of his mouth, affects not just him or his family but thousands of workers, employees, shareholders, and all other stakeholders. He is not used to making decisions with his heart, he has to keep emotions away from everything he does. That's what he has been trained to do. That's the only way he knows."


"Listen to me Kao, I know the man even more than he knows himself. You mean a lot to him. I have seen it in his eyes, in the way he speaks about you. Give him some time, Kao. He can be an asshole sometimes..."

"Most of the time," Kao wryly cut him off.

"Most of the time, not going to argue with that," Off playfully threw his hands up in the air, "But I have never seen him so crazy about anyone as he is for you."

"Yeah? Then why is he not here?"

"He is. He is waiting down."

Kao looked out of his window. The whole entourage of cars was standing in the narrow alley in front of his apartment building, his neighbors all looking curiously at the unusual guests that had come. Young children were running around the cars trying to peep in through the tinted glasses.

"Oh, god," Kao slapped his face. "Just ask him to come up. And please move all the cars somewhere on the main road. They are making a scene."

"Kao" Pete called softly as he entered Kao's apartment.

"Pete, I want to..." Kao replied.

"Please, Kao, can I just speak for a moment before you say anything? I am sorry. With all my heart. I am not used to this, the emotions, the feelings....the following your heart's all alien to me. A lot of things have been new to me these last few months. I am still trying to grapple with it. I know none of that is an excuse for how I ignored you or your feelings. I was overwhelmed and I was selfish. Please give me a chance to understand you, to understand myself, to understand us. I have never been in love, Kao and it took me some time to understand what you mean to me.", Pete's voice cracked as he stared at Kao hopefully.

"I don't know Pete, you have made me feel bad so many times, that if you want us to work, you have to show me you are sincere with me."

"What do I do to make you believe, Kao? I will do whatever you ask"


"Just tell me."

"Let's stay together," Kao said to a surprised Pete. "Stay together and show me you meant what you said. That you are willing to make an effort. Let's say one month. And then we will see."

Stay together with Kao, Pete was already grinning.

"Of course, let's do that. And I will prove to you how much you mean to me."

"Great. Oh, but one thing. I don't want to stay with Pete Vihokratana, CEO of Vihokratana industries. I want to stay with Pete, my Pete"

"What do you mean?" Pete looked confused.

"You will stay here with me, in my house. We will live with my money, my things. You will not bring your power, money, things, or status inside this house. Still game?" 

"Huh? Ok...But my office? And what about my clothes, my other things?" Pete gulped and looked around the room as he nodded.

"I will drop you at your office. And we are of the same size. You can use my things. What do you say? In or out?"

" I will do anything to prove that I am serious about you, about us, Kao. I meant what I said. By the way, when you say stay together, can we...?" Pete asked slyly.

"No, don't even think about it" Kao cut him off.

"Not even ki...?"


"Can I at least look at you or is that also not allowed?" Pete asked sneeringly.

"Stop being a wisecrack. Go now, send your people away. And give your wallet to Off."

"Ok...ok. My security team is not going to be happy"

"I am sure Max can find some way to protect you from here." Kao winked.

Sure enough, half of his neighbors suddenly won tickets to resorts, cruises, and trips, leaving their homes on rent to big-built, muscled men in suits and dark glasses. 

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