Chapter 9 - Contrast

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"What, where, why?" Questions poured out of Max's mouth.

The driver too looked stunned. He kept eyeing nervously between the three passengers in the car.

"Are you serious?" Max waited as if Kao would now tell him that it was a joke and they are actually going to Thong Lor neighborhood.

Kao nodded.

Max turned to his boss," Sir, I don't think you should go. It is not a place fit for you to go. And not safe. You can't go there"

Kao could feel the anger rising from his inside. He asked suddenly "Why? Why not?" He turned to Pete who also was looking hesitant and continued, "Those who live there are also people like you and me. The only difference is that they are poor and you are rich. But that doesn't give you the right to look down on them"

"Criminals, drug traffickers, sex trade, you name it, all there" Max was trying to make his case.

"Yes, I agree. There are problems. It is inevitable with that level of poverty. But most of them are just ordinary people trying to survive each day." He paused and looked at Max before continuing, "And if it makes you feel better, I know the place very well. I have been working with the people there for the last 4 years. I will make sure that your boss is safe."

He then turned to Pete hopefully.

Pete nodded and gestured for the driver to start the car. He had no idea what he was getting himself into, but since he was already in the car, he might as well go and see what this guy wanted to show him. Curiosity, that's all.

Max stared incredulously before taking out his phone and notifying the Chief Security Officer. He had heard the junior Vihokratana had been adventurous during his younger days, but since the two years Max started working as a part of Pete's security detail, he never faced any problems. His boss was very judicious when it came to his and his family's safety. Until today.

"Walk? He has to walk?" Max's jaws almost hit the ground when the car stopped by the main road. He wished he had listened to his wife and took the day off.

"Of course, walk. Cars can't go inside these alleys." Kao rolled his eyes pointing out the obvious.

"Sir, this is not safe"

"It's just a 5-minute walk. He will be safe." Kao reiterated.

Kao watched Pete and his bodyguards move to the side of the road in an intense discussion on what to do. Finally, Pete came to him and said "They will not let me go inside alone. We can walk in the front. They will shadow without anyone noticing."

Four huge men in dark suits and glasses were going to blend in with the scene here, yeah right! Kao scoffed.

"There is no other option, Mr. Thitopoom. We can either let them follow us or I can go back. My each second costs more money than you can imagine and I have already wasted a lot of time on god knows whatever you are doing," Pete's tone was curt.

"Follow me then," Kao sighed.

The place was nothing like Pete had ever imagined.

Men and women sat outside their flimsy tin shacks staring at them as they passed by. Uncertainties and despair written all over their faces.

Chickens, dogs, and rats roamed around in the alleyways and trash heaps filled the paths. There was hardly any space to even walk, and unpleasant smells lingered in the air. Pete felt like throwing up as the smell hit his senses.

The five-minute stretch felt like the longest walk of Pete's life.

Kao seemed to be very familiar with the place. He waved at the children and stopped to greet some elders. He efficiently navigated the way until they stopped in front of a tiny tin room.

He knocked on the door.

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