Chapter 12 - Gift

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"Where is my gift?" Kao looked up at the sudden question from Pete. That was when he realized Pete had been watching him eat the cake.

"What? Don't tell me you didn't bring any gift", Pete asked questioningly.

"Well...I..." Kao hesitated, patting his coat pocket.

"Is it there, the gift?" Pete stretched his hand

"Yes...I mean, no...I will get you another day..."

What do you gift someone who has literally everything, including the latest and greatest, at his disposal? Kao had racked his brains and come up with a gift that he felt would be thoughtful. Something that Pete might appreciate. In fact, like his earlier plan, it sounded great in his head. But now seeing the array of luxury gifts that Pete received, he felt quite embarrassed with what he had got. Hell, it wasn't even new.

Pete, however, was not ready to let go. He insisted that Kao give it to him.

Nervously Kao pulled out a pink cover from the inside pocket of his jacket.

"It's....I don't think....I mean, I read in an interview that you were very fond of the book 'Tales of the Polar Bear and Orca Whale' when you were young. That you would read it every night before going to sleep. It was a limited edition book that isn't available anymore and you said that you lost the original book. I...I remembered that I had a copy of the original edition. It was my favorite book too. So, when I went home last weekend, I got it for's stupid...I mean, it's old....I don't know..." Kao could feel his face flush. What was he thinking giving Pete a children's book, and that too, one he had used!

"Thank you" Pete's voice was barely audible when he took the gift. Kao wondered for a moment if Pete was being sarcastic, but when their eyes met, he was relieved to see the sincerity in them.

Mrs. Vihokratana stared at Pete in surprise as he re-joined the party. His eyes gleamed with a twinkle that she hadn't seen before. She prayed that whatever or whoever bought that happiness to her son, remain in his life for a very very long time.


"Can you meet me for coffee? Friday 4 pm at Desserts on Main. I have something to talk to you" Kao read and re-read the message. He also made Gun read it to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

He wasn't. Pete had asked him for coffee. His heart jumped up and down in delight. He pulled Gun for an impromptu swirl around. He couldn't wait till Friday afternoon, yet at the same time, he didn't want it to come too soon. Confused? Yeah, well he was.

Kao arrived half an hour earlier at the place. It was a charming boutique cafe covered in growing vines with pretty white flowers. He strolled up and down the street waiting for Pete's car to come in. He felt like a nervous teenager on a first date. He had even bought a new shirt to wear today. 

A few minutes later he saw the Bentley rolling in. And Pete got out. Looking impressive as ever in a crisp white shirt and khakis. Max was also there, however, he remained outside as Pete and Kao walked into the cafe. Pete went to the counter to talk to the person behind it and then joined Kao at the table.

"I ordered for you too, hope you don't mind," he said pulling up a chair.

"As long as it is sweet" Kao replied.

They sat on opposite sides of the table, staring at each other for a fraction of a second too long. 

The butterflies in their stomachs fluttered animatedly.

Priceless - A PeteKao Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now