Chapter 15 - Car

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"Why, Kao? What are you walking away? You know I can afford whatever your rate is, right? Maybe if you make it worthwhile, I will even throw a nice tip too."

"Pete, you are hurting me"

"Really, you feel hurt?" Pete was grinding his teeth as leaned against Kao. Their faces were inches from each other, and their bodies pressed together. He jerked Kao's hand and put it against his pants. "How's that? Do you feel me too? Or are you turned on only by cheap men in cheap cars?".

Pete staggered away as he felt something stinging on his cheek. His mind went blank for a moment, and he could feel the taste of blood in his mouth.

Kao had mustered all his strength to free his hand and had punched him in the face.

Hearing the commotion a couple of guys who were roaming looking for clients came over.

"P'Kao, are you ok? Did this man hurt you?"

"No, it's ok. I know him. It was a misunderstanding. I'll take care of him"

"You sure, P'?"

"Yes, hey, can you tell P'Gun that I had to leave. Tell him that I will call him later" Kao requested. They nodded and left, still glaring at Pete.

Kao turned around and looked at Pete. He spoke curtly pointing to the car.

"Get inside the car before someone recognizes you, Pete. I will drive you home. I don't think you are in a state to drive."

Pete was too drained to say anything. He got in the passenger seat.

"What are you doing, Pete? You can have anyone come to your room or go to some high-end places where there is privacy. Why come here and risk being seen?" Kao felt a heave as he said those lines. The car had come out of the alley and turned on to the main road.

"I wasn't looking...I didn't come for....Someone told me your work here." Pete breathed out slowly touching his bruise. His lips were still hurting from the punch. Looking at his baby face you wouldn't think he would be so strong.

"Yes, I do work here, as a part of our community outreach program. We teach the people here about safe sex,  using protection, and getting tested regularly".

"He said you worked as a...."

"As a prostitute? And you believed that?"

"You went inside the cars"

"We have to talk to both parties concerned. These clients don't like being seen or recognized. We have to do it cautiously. What the hell, Pete! You are supposed to be an intelligent person. You know what kind of work I do. It wasn't rocket science to put two and two together."


"And all you had to do was ask your assistant or legal teams. I am sure they have a file on me after the accident. Off probably even knows what time I go to the toilet every day".

"Yeah....I should have...I know....I can't think straight when it comes to you. Logic goes for a toss," Pete murmured staring out of the window into the moonless Bangkok night.

Kao didn't know what to reply. He didn't even know what exactly Pete meant by the statement. He kept silent and tried to focus on the road in front, though his head kept spinning. It just occurred to him that maybe Pete was....jealous? Was he?

"Pete" He called after a while. 

"What would you have done if I had said a rate and got in your car?" He asked playfully.

"I...I hadn't thought that far" Pete said looking at his hands, not wanting to make any eye contact with the person next to him. He wasn't used to feeling small like this.

"Obviously," Kao scoffed.

"Well, know....probably would have played along," Pete said sheepishly. 

"Really? All the way?" Kao raised an eyebrow.


The two men fell silent at the sudden turn of conversation. They were both playing their version of the same hypothetical scenario in their minds.

"Kao, would you like to spend the night with me?" They had reached Pete's mansion, when Pete suddenly turned around and asked, his eyes betraying the thirst he was feeling for the man in front of him.

Every part of Kao's senses was screaming that this was not a good idea. His heart, however, had other plans. He simply nodded in acceptance.

The night was still young at Vihokratana mansion too.

Priceless - A PeteKao Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now