Chapter 11 - Cake

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Billionaires - they're not like us. Kao thought wryly beholding the spectacle that was Pete's birthday party.

The party was at Pete's parent's farmhouse in the suburbs of Bangkok. Someone from Mr. Vihokratana's staff had contacted Kao a week back asking about the food pick up after the party. He had agreed to come with the van by the time the party ends. They later called him and said that the Vihokratanas specifically invited him to the party. He was initially hesitant, but when the invitation arrived with a handwritten note from Mrs. Vihokratana, he found it impossible to decline.

Though looking around at the extravaganza he definitely wished he did so. Standing in midst of the glitz and glam of lights, music, dance, celebrities, not to mention all the finest champagne, caviar, and other gourmet treats, he felt that he might have more in common with the aliens from outer space than these people from his city.

He was wearing a simple black printed tee and black jeans. Thank god his friend Gun lent him a jacket and forced him to wear it. The tan-colored leather jacket added some sort of formality to his attire though he knew he stood out like a sore thumb among the Armanis and Ralph Laurens.

Kao entered the venue and was trying to slowly relegate himself to a corner when Mrs.Vihokratana spotted him "Hey Kao, glad you could make it. Did you meet Pete yet?"

"Pete, Pete, Pete..." There were sudden shouts from the stage area where a huge three-tiered cake was waiting for the birthday boy.

"That's ok, Ma'am. I will wish him later. You please go ahead," Kao politely bowed to her as she went to join her son on the stage.

That's when he saw Pete, as he made his way to the stage. The man looked radiant. He was in a white coat and pants with a silvery shirt glittering along with the lights around. He had left the top buttons unbuttoned, giving a peek of his well-sculpted chest. The hair was sleekly done to the side with one strand casually falling across his face. And he was smiling widely as he went up the steps. It was like that smile brightened up not just Pete's face but the whole place around. Like a sun, Kao thought.

Amidst loud claps and singing, Pete cut the cake and gave it to his parents. He gestured Off to come up to the stage and the two friends fed each other a dollop of cake. The guests came up to wish Pete, the women hugging and taking selfies with him, and brandishing the Rolexes and Bvlgaris they got for him. Show-offs, Kao sneered. He hated the uneasiness he was feeling in his heart at the moment and moved to a lonely bench behind the fountain.

"I thought you disappeared." He turned around when he heard the voice and saw Pete standing there with a plate in his hand.

"I...Happy birthday, Mr.Vihokratana."

"Pete....and here, have some cake," he stretched a big slice of cake towards Kao.

"Happy birthday, Pete," he said taking the plate, scooping out a spoon of cake, and offering it to Pete.

Kao had no idea what made him do that, maybe it was a temporary suspension of all his senses, but as he saw Pete staring at him, he suddenly realized what he was doing. Horrified, he was about to draw back when Pete held Kao's hand and pulled it up to his mouth. He then took the spoon, scooped another piece, and offered it to Kao. All the while, their eyes locked and their hearts beat in tandem over the din of the thumping music.

It was like only the two of them existed and the whole world around faded into a blur.

It was magical, well, at least until Kao took a bite of the cake.

"Oh my god! This is so so good....ohhhhh is like having little pieces of heaven." Kao closed his eyes lost in the relish of the cake, totally shifting his focus from the man to the food in front of him.

Off still jokes, much to his friend's chagrin, that Kao loves cakes, cats, and Pete, exactly in that order. 

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