Chapter 4 - Acknowledgment

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Pete returned from a meeting the next day morning to see Off waiting in his cabin. His mother had asked him to take a day off, but he had refused. Pete had long back learned to efficiently compartmentalize his personal and professional lives. Whatever he was going through in his personal space, the moment he stepped into his office, his 100% focus was on his work. And he needed that today.

A look at Off's face showed that something was off (no pun intended).

"There is a small problem with the accident yesterday," Off started hesitatingly.

"What? You couldn't find the boys?"

"No, I took care of them. It's the biker. We have negotiated an amount with him. But he will retract the case only if you acknowledge in person that the mistake was yours."

Pete raised an eyebrow, "I should apologize?"

"Acknowledge", Off replied.

"What is the difference?"

"Well, he said acknowledge," Off shrugged sheepishly.

"Pay him a few bucks extra."

"You think I didn't try that? He is adamant."

"Then give him something else. Or let him file a complaint. We will crush him in court," snapped Pete.

"Boss, as much as I would like to do that, this is such a small thing to go into all that effort. Plus the guy has the video. One upload and you will have trolls coming for you on social media. There is no dearth of people who would jump at the opportunity to drag you through the dirt. Look, all you have to do is just come for a meeting with him, nod your head, and go. I will do the talking."

"Pay him how much ever he wants. And if that doesn't work I am sure you have other ways to get things done Off."

"Any other time, I wouldn't be asking you. But, right now when you are in the middle of the acquisition talks, we can't take the risk. We don't want your image to be tarnished, even if it is something trivial as this."

"I can't believe this," Pete shook his head in disgust.

"Pete, please listen to me. Just one meeting with the guy and we can end it there. And after the acquisition, I will deal with him however you want to."

Pete blew an air of exasperation and scowled in anger. He should have thrown a few punches on that cute baby face. Wait, what? His brows deepened, this time in confusion.

Off looked at the frowning Pete and quietly slipped away. He was relieved that in the chaos of the accident his boss had forgotten to ask the details about Mint's boyfriend. He didn't want to add more to the long list of sins he had to his name.


Kao looked around the conference room he was ushered into. There were four men already seated around the table. Pete Vihokratana, his assistant, an old man, and another man who introduced himself as from the legal team. It seemed like all of them were having a competition on who would glare at Kao the fiercest. He rubbed his palms anxiously as he took the seat.

"So Mr. Thitipoom, you have to sign a non-disclosure statement........session is objections...." Kao tried his best to focus on what the lawyer was saying. However,  it was impossible to do so because even without looking he could literally feel the two eyes of Pete Vihokratana boring into every single cell of his body.

If looks could kill, Kao Thitipoom would have died that very instant.

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