Chapter 20 - Lie

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In walked Mr. Kwangthorn aka KT.

The pieces of the puzzle fell together in Kao's mind as he realized what this was all about.'

KT was a short and stout man, with a cheery face that reminded one of those amiable teachers you had in school. His appearance was, however, very deceiving. The twinkling eyes veiled a sinister menace, the kind predators have as they toyed with their prey before the last punch.

KT was one of the dreaded loan sharks of the area engaged in illegal money-lending. He frequently gave loans to the people in the slums to start businesses, mostly to those who have been turned down by banks. Trapped in a cycle of informal debts and exorbitant interest rates, many found it almost impossible to pay back. KT and his gang of goons were notorious for their creative methods in getting their money back.

Gun and Kao had stood guarantors for Em, a young man of the area whose mother used to help in cleaning their office. He had come to their office with his mother, both in tears not being able to generate enough principal to start his food truck business. Em's mother desperately wanted a way out for her son from the miseries of the slum life that she was destined to live and die in, and pleaded with them to help Em. When all their efforts of bank funding failed, Gun and Kao had relented to stand guarantors for Em with KT. They always were worried that this might backfire but were hoping that Em would be able to pay the installments in time. In the first few months, he had. A year later, he met with an accident and the business faltered. He fell back on the payments and the interest accumulated.

KT had sent a couple of intimations the last few months, each one sterner than the previous, though somehow, Gun, Kao, and Em had managed to successfully appeal for more time. The loan shark's patience had worn thin quickly.

And thus the scene in front of them.

Gun understood the situation as well and was trying to pacify KT. He pleaded and begged for more time. It was all falling on deaf ears.

As KT threatened his mother and sister, Gun pulled out his last card.

"...and this time as a courtesy to you boys, since I know how much you help the people here, I came when your mother and sister are not here. Next time, that won't be the case."

"Please, Sir, we will find a solution soon. Em has restarted his business. In a few months, he will be able to pay you back and if he can't we will find a way to pay you back."

"Empty words won't work, Gun. And you both are liable to pay me back, not just Em. I need a date and I want to know how you are going to pay. I want to hear a solid plan, not just excuses. You think I don't know how much money both of you have in the bank?"

"Sir, please..."

"Oh, is it 6 already? I guess your mother will come back soon. Maybe I will meet her before I go."

"Sir, please, just listen to me. We will get the money soon. It is just that..." Gun looked at Kao hesitatingly, "It's just that we didn't want to disclose since it's not official"


"You have heard of Pete Vihokratana, right, the new CEO of Vihokratana industries?"

"Yes, what about him?" KT leaned forward, his eyes focussing on Gun as Kao turned around a looked in surprise at his friend. He had no idea what Gun was playing.

"Well, Kao here is engaged to him. Mind you, it's still a secret and they haven't officially announced it. They are planning to announce it soon."

Kao gasped as KT roared out laughing, followed by his goons."Oh, amuse me. The stories you spin. But this is too much, even for you. You know what, since I stayed this long, I think I will go only after having dinner with your family. Maybe you have more jokes to share."

"It is true," Gun insisted, "ask Kao."

KT turned to Kao. Half confused, he somehow managed a nod.

"Yeah? Then why don't you ask your boyfriend for money?"

"Well, you know how it is," Gun interjected before Kao could even think of an answer. "They started dating only a few months back and just got engaged. Kao is embarrassed to ask for money at this point. It doesn't look good, right?"

"You really think I will believe all this crap? You are getting on my nerves, Gun" KT's voice changed from amusing to threatening and Kao knew that the situation was going out of hand.

"My phone," Kao suddenly said, "check my the end...there are pictures...of us. "

"And Pete is in Tokyo now. If you can't wait till they go public, just wait till he is back. Kao will talk to him and try to pay you as early as possible." Gun was getting desperate as the time for his mother's and sister's return neared.

KT glanced at the two men who had taken their phones. One of them opened the gallery and suddenly rushed over to KT. The boss took a long look at the photo and guffawed mockingly.

"Kao, Kao, you sly...what a catch! Sure then, let's say I believe you. One month. If I don't get my money by then, you know what will happen," he paused for a bit and then continued, his voice down a few decibels but the tone savage as ever. "On second thought, I don't think you can even imagine what will happen. Give my regards to your boyfriend, Kao."

The gang left. Unbeknownst to Kao or Gun, one of the thugs had copied the picture on his phone.

The very next day, he sold it to Thai Dispatch for a handsome reward.

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