Chapter 7 - Answer

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That came out wrong. He could sense that from the bewildered look on Pete's face.

"I mean, I would like to take you show you something...will you...can you come with me?" Kao mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

Kao regularly volunteered at an organization called "Share the food" that caters to zero wastage of food. The parties of Bangkok's elite always had a lot of food leftover. The organization takes the surplus after these parties and distributes it to the homeless on the streets. Kao was waiting outside the Diamond hall at Hotel Maracopia, for the party celebrating the birthday of superstar Jack Karatipong to wind down, when Mr. Vihokratana spotted him. The industrialist and his wife surrounded by their bodyguards were exiting the venue. Kao was surprised that the patriarch of the Vihokratana family remembered him.

"Hello, Kao! How are you?"

"I am fine, Sir. I am honored that you remember me."

He introduced his wife. Kao bowed to her and was about to step back to his corner when she put a hand on his arm. Mr.Vihokratana had already started moving towards the exit.

"Kao, it's was a tough day for him. He had just seen his fiancé with another man when he ran into you. He probably vented out his pain on you. Else he wouldn't have behaved like that. I know I am making excuses but....well, I guess that's what mothers do. Hope you forgive him."

"That's ok, Ma'am. I have already forgotten about it. Please don't worry."

Kao was genuinely touched. If only her son had half the grace of either of his parents. He twisted and turned in his bed the whole night remembering her words and replaying the scenes of his altercation with Pete. And an idea came to his mind. Something that might give Pete closure.

It sounded cool in his head when he planned it. Now sitting in front of Pete, he wasn't so sure.

Pete got up with a condescending smile on his lips. He beckoned Kao to follow him to the floor-length mirror on the wall. Kao stood in the front with Pete behind him, slightly to the right of Kao. The two men stared at their reflections until Pete spoke.

"What can you see, Mr. Thitipoom?"

Just the two of us, Kao thought. But he knew that was not the answer Pete wanted, so he chose to stay silent.

"Can you see the difference and distance between the two of us?" Pete deliberately emphasized each word.

Kao let out a deep breath as he realized what Pete was implying. His nervousness was replaced by irritation. He turned around and faced Pete. With a calm tone that masked his loud thumping heart, he said,

"Mr. Vihokratana, I am not asking you on a date. I want to show you something. I am asking a simple question. Will you come with me? Just say yes or no. One word answer would do."

Pete stood rooted to the ground as he stared at the face of the man in front of him. He had a mole on the tip of his nose. He hadn't noticed it the other day. He wasn't sure why he was staring at it, but he knew that he was.

"So?" Kao asked raising an eyebrow.

Pete looked up, racking his brain to find a snide remark to insult Kao. But only one word came out of his mouth.


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