Chapter 5 - Apology

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"Mr Thitipoom?" "Mr Thittipoom?"

"Yes, sorry"

"What do you want my client to do?"

Kao cleared his throat. He knew he shouldn't let himself be intimidated. "I would like your client to acknowledge that the accident was his mistake and apologize for the hooliganism on the road"

If this was a scene in a comic book, red smoke would have been coming out of Pete's ears.

"We are paying you enough, Mr. Thitipoom" Off interjected

"You are paying me to retract the police complaint and to delete the video of your boss. But he also insulted my dignity, not to mention the physical assault. And for that, I want an apology".

Kao jumped in his seat as Pete suddenly stood up pushing his chair back brashly. With long strides, he walked towards the other side of the table. Placing his hand on either arm of Kao's chair, Pete bent down. Kao could feel a shiver go through his spine, though he wasn't sure if that was because of the fear or the proximity of Pete's handsome face.

He didn't want to show the jitters in his heart, so he stared back hard at those unnerving eyes. He bit his lip and fell back on his chair, as Pete leaned in. He could feel the man's breath on his face and a whiff of wood sage in the air.

"Mr. Thitipoom" Pete called in an icy tone "Don't you dare act all righteous. It is clear that you lost the right to talk about dignity the moment you decided to take compensation for your silence. So shut the fuck up, take the money offered to you and leave. You can take this as a warning or a threat". He stood up, straightened his tie, and left the room.

Kao turned around and looked at Off.

"Well, you got it then"

"What? You call that an apology?" Kao asked incredulously

"That is the best you are going to get, Mr. Thitipoom".

"What the hell are you...."

"I will apologize" The old man who had been a mute spectator of proceedings until then suddenly said, his eyes focussed on Kao. That is when Kao got a good look at his face. Shit, that JJ Vihokratana?

Off jumped up as the old man stood up. He might be retired, but even today the senior Vihokratana commanded a certain power in this office that even Pete did not have. Which is why when he called and asked about the accident, Off had to be honest with him. And couldn't oppose when he insisted to be in this meeting. Though Off knew he was in trouble when he saw Pete scowl at him on seeing his father in the room.

"Kao, right? Can I call you Kao? I am Pete's father and I apologize for my son's behavior. I hope you will be kind enough to accept the apology and close this chapter here". It was evident where Pete got his looks from. But in contrast to his son's the elder man's face radiated warmth and earnestness.

Kao gulped and nodded. It was a moment before he got his voice back. "Thank you, Sir. I really appreciate it. You won't have any trouble from my side".

He was about to take leave when he turned back and added "Sir, as your son said I know taking money is not the most honorable thing to do, but please believe me, it is for a good cause". He felt his voice crack with emotion. He nodded to the other men and quickly left the room.

Off let go of the breath he had been holding since Mr. Vihokratana spoke. He made a mental note to visit his doctor for a cardio check-up.

Mr. Vihokratana, however, had a small smile playing on his lips. With the kind of experience he had in life and with people, there is always a premonition of things that are about to happen. 

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