Chapter 6 -Question

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"Pete, Pete," His mother waved her hand in front of his face. "You are zoning out again." They were at the breakfast table but Pete's mind kept wandering to yesterday's proceedings.

In fact, he was feeling pretty smug about his meeting with that biker boy. He had shown him his place. He could see the man shudder as he leaned close. The widening of those soft brown eyes. The slight quiver of the rosy plump lips. And the bite at the corner of the mouth. The guy was scared shit, alright.

He sneered thinking about it which he quickly disguised as a cough.

"Pete" his mother called out again. He looked up.

"I know you are thinking about Mint. I also know that it is easier said than done, but please stop worrying about it, son. She doesn't deserve you. Force yourself to think about something else when thoughts about her come to your mind. It will take time, but you will heal, Pete. Trust me"

Pete stared at her in surprise. A realization just flashed through his mind. He had not thought of Mint even once since yesterday morning.


It was a bright Monday morning when Off walked in to see Kao waiting for him in front of his office. He groaned inwardly. This was how it always happened. They keep wanting more. He was hoping that Kao would be different. Looks like he was wrong. And now he will have to use "other" methods to neutralize any threats against Pete.

"Good morning, Mr. Thitipoom. What brings you here?"

"Good Morning. You can call me Kao. And I wanted to meet Pete, I mean, Mr. Vihokratana."

"He is busy, Kao. You can tell me what the matter is. I will convey it to him, or we can talk and find an amicable solution."

"It's...It's something personal. Can you please squeeze me in for 5 minutes? That's all I need"

"I am sorry. He is not free today. So, you can either tell me now what the matter is or I'll check with Mr.Vihokratana if we can schedule an appointment later this week for you. But I can't make any promises."

Pete was walking to his office from the elevator when he saw Kao walk out of Off's office. For a moment, Pete wondered if he was dreaming. He had been doing that a lot lately. Just yesterday, he dreamed that he was riding pillion with a guy wearing a pink helmet. What was more horrifying, he was wearing one too. He shuddered as he remembered that scene.

Kao was halfway down the stairs when he heard his name being called out from above. He looked up to see a panting Off beckoning him to come up.

He was then taken to Pete Vihokratana's office.

Kao gaped as he entered the room. The space seemed....endless. Pete's ivory-colored chair and table were in the middle of the room, under the most intricate chandelier Kao has ever seen. Behind him, through the floor-length glass windows was the towering skyline of Bangkok. A bookshelf covered one wall, in front of which was a luxurious brown leather sofa and an oak coffee table. A huge mirror hung on the other wall. After taking in a 360-degree view of the room, his eyes fell on Pete. The man looked like a king sitting on his ivory throne.

"Have a seat Mr. Thitipoom. Or do you plan to spend your 5 minute time staring at my room?"

"Sorry," Kao mumbled as took a seat.

Kao considered himself a very confident person. He never got ruffled, especially in front of the display of wealth or power. But for some reason, he felt nervous at the moment. Maybe it was the room or maybe it was what he was about to ask Pete.

"Are you planning to speak anytime soon, Mr.Thitipoom?"

"Will you go out with me?" Kao blurted.

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