Chapter 25 - Snippets - Part 2

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The month flashed by as Pete tried to navigate Kao's world through Kao's eyes. Life there wasn't ruled by money or status, but rather by a sense of humanity and empathy. He was delighted to meet Kao's friends, especially Alice and Gun. He was amazed at how selflessly they did their work expecting nothing in return. He made a mental note to strengthen the CSR department at Vihokratana industries. Pete almost choked on his drink when Kao told him that night that Off and Gun liked each other. Off? His best friend Off? In love? Pete suddenly felt guilty that he hadn't talked much to Off these past few days. He was too tied up with his life and Kao to notice what was going on in Off's life. He should talk to Off. He wanted to be there for his friend as he had been there for Pete.

They say that time flies by in a snap when you are with the one you love. The days felt short, the nights felt shorter and the clock ticked by a little too swiftly as Pete and Kao made that small apartment their love nest for a month. They went to movies and walked through the streets, their hands interlocked, laughing, bickering, teasing. They could talk endlessly about even the most innocuous things. They quibbled about the color of the jeans or whose arms were bigger. They argued about religions and politics. They revealed their dreams and hopes. They shared their fears and secrets. They chatted about their day. The troubles and the successes. They listened, even if they couldn't fully understand each other's work or world, they listened.

Pete never knew that opening up even the deepest, darkest part of his heart would be so easy. But that was the thing about Kao. He made it so easy. A glance at his face and Pete could feel a serenity rushing into his heart. They just fit together, him and Kao.

It wasn't without hiccups though. Like the day Kao got mad at him because he spent half of their monthly budget on a wine. He hadn't checked the price. The habit didn't come naturally to him and he was too proud to keep it back when he realized his folly at the counter. Or the days when it was his turn to cook food. He followed all the instructions on the YouTube videos to a T, yet most of the time the dishes came out disastrous. Or that time when he mixed whites and pinks in the laundry and made the whole load pink. His feeble attempt of joking how Kao loved everything pink didn't land well either. And yes, in all honesty, there were times when he did miss the luxury that he had so grown accustomed to.

The nights were, however, the worst. Kao had a strict no-sex policy for the month. It's all about the heart and emotions, he had said. But seeing Kao up close every day, watching him step out of the bath with the droplets of water clinging to the milky white skin, looking at him sleep with those rosy lips slightly open, Pete felt he would suffocate in his longing. And of course, there was that mole on his nose that drove Pete crazy. Added to that Pete had found another mole on Kao's ear lobe and all he could think was sucking it and hearing Kao moan. On the other side of the bed, Kao wasn't having it easy either. Pete, with his Greek-god body, would roam around the house in his boxers, because apparently, it was too hot for him without an AC. Every time he saw that perfectly toned body and the bulge in front, Kao could feel himself turning red. He had half mind to break his savings account and buy an air cooler in the apartment.

And one night, when he couldn't hold it any longer Pete decided to try his luck.

He slowly placed a hand on Kao's groin. If Kao swapped it away, he would act as if he did it accidentally in sleep. Else, he'll see how it goes. No harm in trying, Pete thought.

Kao didn't move. Pete wondered if Kao was asleep. He was awake alright, Pete concluded grinningly when he felt Kao hardening under his fingers. He slightly squeezed the erection. Kao suddenly turned towards Pete his eyes blazing. Pete snapped his hand away and was about to apologize when he felt that juicy lips smash against his, and Kao's weight on his body. Not able to hold in anymore, the two of them let themselves loose as they hungrily savored each other.

In the next apartment, Max could hear the feeble groans and sadly wondered when he would be able to go home to his wife. 

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