Chapter 21 - Verdict

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Kao felt like he was sitting in front of a judge, jury, and executioner as he finished narrating the incident to the Vihokratana family and employees. He could sense their feelings - some suspicious, some unbelieving, while others ridiculing his stupidity.

He dared not look at Pete. He could imagine the emotions flashing through those intense eyes. He didn't want to see them - the disappointment, the anger, the disdain...

JJ Vihokratana turned to his legal head. "What do you say, White?"

"Sir, we have two options. We can put out a press release asap denying the whole thing. Say that it was photoshop and that the whole thing was fabricated. And sue the paper and source for damages. The other option is to keep quiet and not respond. But that would be damaging for Pete as well as the company. The shareholders are already worried and keeping quiet is not going to make them happy. It would also be dangerous for Mr. Thitipoom as his life can be in danger if people believe he is engaged to Pete. So, my suggestion would be to go with the first." He paused and then continued looking at Kao. "Mr. Thitipoom, I suggest you find your own lawyer because either way, you will need legal help as well as protection."

"There is a third option, isn't there?" JJ asked softly, his eyes darting between Pete and Kao.


"What? Kao, what do you mean? Pete's father said to accept that the news is true? And you said yes to that? " Gun asked incredulously

"Yes, he asked us to get officially engaged and then see how it goes from there," said Kao. They were both seated on a bench in the neighborhood park.

"Why, Kao...I mean, this is a huge step. Are you really getting engaged to Pete? I can't believe you said yes."

"I was overwhelmed, Gun. They started throwing numbers, company shares, stakeholders....and then when Pete's father said that....I couldn't say no. All of it was my fault and I had to help find a solution."

"Kao, look at me. I have known you for a long time, to be precise, since you bumped into me on the first day of our fourth grade. So, don't give me the crap about shares or company."

Kao took a deep breath before answering. His face looked pained as he looked up at Gun.

"I...It's something I have been dreaming of, you know? Spending time with him, waking up in the morning next to him, being married to him, raising a family with him, traveling with him....Things that you fantasize, you imagine all the smallest details even though you know it's just a delusion...and then suddenly you are given a chance to make that into a can I say no to that, Gun?"

"I know your feelings for Pete, Kao. But is this the way you want it to be?"

"I don't know, Gun. And yes, maybe I will be heartbroken, but at least I would have given it a try. I mean, think, if I said no and then never got a chance to be with Pete again? I will forever live in regret. I don't want to spend the rest of my life thinking about what-ifs."

"Mmmm, I hear you, Kao. I do...And you guys do make a handsome couple, have to admit that, haha...Joke aside, I really really wish that you both find your happily ever after in each other. I have never seen you so much in love."

"I am scared, Gun," Kao said in a barely audible whisper. Gun slowly put his hand around Kao and pulled him close.

"I know. And I will be there with you, always. You know that, right?"

They stayed like that for a while.

"Gun, you were saying the other day you wanted to speak to me about something, right? Or someone?"

"That can wait, Kao. Will tell you another day."


"Yes, nothing urgent."

The park was slowly filling in with children. The swings and slides were creaky, but the fun went on unhindered.

"Hey, Kao, do you remember Rain's brother whom we both had a crush on when we were in eighth grade?"

"P'Sun?...don't remind me Gun. How many times did we embarrass ourselves in front of him!"

"And that idiot Rain...the amount of food he made us buy for him saying that he will introduce us to P'....Look how far we have come now Kao, from giggling over crushes to talking about true love and all."

The two friends smiled reminiscently as they stared at the frolic and merriment around them. The fears and aches in Kao's heart were slowly lessening. Sometimes, it is a tad bit easier to face life when you have your best friend by your side.


"At least it's better than last time". Off said as he made his way to the poolside where Pete was sitting with a beer in his hand. He passed one to Off.

"Is it?"

"Yeah...for starters you are attracted to him. You hadn't even talked to Mint before your engagement with her."

"I guess"

"What do you mean, you guess? Have you seen yourself these days? I know you are thinking of him when you start grinning like an idiot."

"What about his protection, Off? Did you talk to Max?" Pete looked worried.

"Yeah, they have sent agents there. Once it is official, we can move him to a safer area. Or even here, if you both want to."

"When I saw the news, I thought he...."

"Kao is not like that, Pete. I know you had your reasons but he really went through hell these last few days when you disappeared on him."

"Wow, you have investigators who tell you how people feel also?"

"No, Gun told me."

"Who is Gun?"

"Kao's friend."

"You know Kao's friend?"

"We are...acquainted," Off said hoping that Pete didn't notice the slight tremor in his voice. "Pete, listen to me, Kao is a great guy...he is the best thing that has happened to you. I know that you are still coming to terms with all that has happened over the last few weeks and I understand that this is not the way you wanted to start a relationship with him, but as your best friend can I say something?...please don't mess this up."

"Why do you think I might mess up?", Pete looked offended. 

"Just saying."

"Well, stop talking and drink."

"Cheers to that."

The hues of the setting sun were falling through the skies above the pool, splashing a vibrant orange across the still waters. The duo sat in silence with their beer bottles, staring into the depths of the pool. The beats of their hearts fluttered with the images of two men who at that point in time were sitting on a bench in a park on the other side of the city. 

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