Authors Note

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So, I've been thinking about this for a long time, I've decided to quit this fanfic.

First of all, I really don't enjoy writing it. When I was re-writing it, I realized how poorly it was written, and frankly, I'm embarrassed by how horrible this is.

I can't write on something I hate, I wish I could, but I can't.

Right now I just want to focus on Mentors, since it's so successful, and, well, *spoiler alert if you haven't read Mentors yet* I just want to write about Daddy Peeta.

I'm also working on a modern day fic, that I'll start posting when I'm completely done with it.

And then there's my One Shots, which I kind of love as well.

And then there's the One Shot that everyone wants me to turn into an entire fanfic, which I might do.

And honestly, I really want to start an actual After Mockingjay story, without the start that this one has. I really want to write about Katniss's depression, Peeta's recovery, all that stuff. I mean, Katniss wasn't even depressed about Prim in this one😂

Anyways, this is goodbye for this fanfic, I hope I'll see you all on my other fanfics😘

🍬I love you all, see you soon🍬

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