Chapter 6

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Katniss' POV

I am the first one to get off the hovercraft, as we land. I don't have a plan on where I am going, so I just let my feet carry me, wherever they wanna take me.

I find myself in the Victor's Village, standing in fron of my own home. I then turn around to see Peeta's house. It looks just like mine. I turn around again and enter my house.

I walk into the kitchen, and look around. All the sudden, I hear a horrible, raspy scream.


I walk to the kitchen window, and open it ever so slightly. Buttercup is stuck in some thorns of a rosebush. For a second, I think about leaving Buttercup, intertwined with Snow's favorite things. But then I remember that Prim is gone, and wouldnt want to see her precious cat suffer.

"Get over here, you stupid cat," I hiss back at him, has he hisses at me.

"I try to move around some of the thorns, but it hurts way too much. I search through the cupboards, trying to find some gloves. I find a pair of thick rubber, and stick my hands inside of them. Even though a thorn gets through now and then, it doesn't hurt as much. When I finally get the cat free, it jumps off the counter and hisses at me.

"Prim is dead," I say coldly. It hurts so bad to confess, but it had to be done. Not for the cat, but for me.

I feel a tear run down my face, and I move to the living room, where I sink down into a couch. I feel tears running down my face. With no sounds, just tears, I think about everything that has happened.

Prim, Peeta, Gale, my mother, the war, Snow, Coin, and all the rebels that died for me.

Died for me.

The cat jumps up to me, licking my tears away. We comfort each other. It's quite nice, actually.


As we laid for an hour, I get off my feet, and take the cat under my arm.
First now, I realize how much weight he has lost.

I run to the hovercraft with Buttercup, and I place him in my seat. I buckle him up, making sure he won't run off, because I kind of need someone to comfort me in this time, where Peeta can't.

I leave a sleeping cat in the hovercraft, and once again let my feet walk wherever they desire. I get to where my bow and arrows are in the woods. I think about going to the lodge, but unwanted memories dance in my mind.


I walk back to the Victor's Village, but this time, I asked my feet to take me there. This is probably going to be the last time, in a long time, where I am going to be in District 12. I want to make sure that I don't leave anything precious behind.

But all the sudden I find myself in Peeta's house.

I walk around in it, studying it. Peeta has been here. I walk out to the kitchen, running my fingers over the counterspace. He baked here.

I walk up the stairs, and see names on the doors, according to who the room belonged to. As I find Peeta's, I softly let my hands slide over the doorknob, then pushing it down. The door opens, and reveals Peeta Mellarks bedroom. My boy with the bread's bedroom.

There's a double bed in the middle of the room, with a shelf over it. There's trophies lined up on it. I can see that most of them are from Bake-Off's, but some are from his paintings, too. I walk over to the bed, that is neatly made.

I look at his nightstand, and my heart sinks.

There's a beautiful, little painting of me on the nightstand, with a green background, and the ring that he 'proposed' to me with. And a little piece of paper that says:

'I do. I need you.'


'Will you stay with me?'

I quickly turn away from it, looking through the bedroom some more.

There is a closet filled up with his paintings, an easel besides the closet, a full-length mirror and a dresser.

I open the dresser, and creepily look through his clothes. I take a sunset orange t-shirt up and smell it.
It smells just like him. Baked goods with a hint of wet paint and warmth. I neatly fold it and place it on top of the dresser.

I find some bedsheets and tie them together into a bag. I know how I am going to win Peeta back.

I throw the orange shit into the bag, along with some paintings, paint and brushes.

I look around, trying to find more stuff that reminds him of his real past. But considering the fact that I've never been here, I don't know what matters to him. I end up making another bag out of bedsheets, and roll all the trophies up inside some more shirts.

Then I once again see the nightstand.

A third bag is made, but smaller as I place the stuff from the nightstand inside of it. Then I leave.


"Katniss! Katniss, where are you darling?" I hear Effie call. I walk outside of Peeta's house and meet Effie's confused face.

"Why did you rob the Mellark household?" She asks, pointing at my bags.

"I didn't rob them, Effie. I just got some stuff for Peeta to remind him of his past," I say, shrugging.

"And besides, it's not like anyone is going to use any of the stuff in there anymore," I continue.

"Okay, but let's get back to the hovercraft, Katniss." Effie says excited. She hates the districts and just want to get back to the Capitol.

"But, I'm not done," I say, shaking a bit. I can't leave yet.

"I'm soory Katniss, but we have to go. Now." She insists, and I follow along with her to the hovercraft.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now