Chapter 1

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Katniss' POV

The alarm wakes me up as usual. I glance over at it. 9.00am. I have half an hour to get ready. Ready for the torture that is to rebuild his memory. Peetas memory.

As usual I have not gotten many hours of sleep. Seeing Peeta in pain every single day, makes the nightmares worse. It is like they know that his arms are not there to protect me from them, that they have an umlimited access to my poor brain.

I roll out of bed, jump in the shower and find a random dress in the closet. It is just a plain, black, long sleeved dress. I usually don't wear dresses, but I quite like this one. It's plain, yet classy
Haymitch says that I can't wear anything too revealing, because that might mess with Peeta's brain.
Both Peeta and Haymitch will approve of this, but I know someone who won't approve of this.

In the back of the closet, is a bunch of "Capitols best dresses" as she says. I never wear them. Most of them are horrible, but the ones that I do like, is either too revealing or made for formal events. And helping a hijacked boy regain his memory is not formal at all. Nor is it easy.

I look at my alarm. 9.20. I have just enough time to apply a minimal amount of makeup, and brush my hair. Haymitch says that Peeta likes when I put a little extra effort into how I look. It makes him feel as if I like spending time with him, and do not want to kill him.

Which I don't want to do in the first place.
I know that Haymitch does not want to see me look terrible. It has nothing to do with Peeta. At all.

I walk down the hall to Peeta's room. The guards unlocks a bunch of locks and follows me inside. Ever since he almost choked me to death, they won't let me be alone with him. He tonce told me, that the guards scare him, because they look like the people who tortured and hijacked him.

Peeta is still sleeping. When I get closer, I can teel that he is not having any nightmares. I love when he is like this. He looks like himself. Calm, with a little bit of a smirk. So peaceful.

I can't help it, I always smile like an idiot when he is like this. Luckily for me, he always sleeps the best, when he doesn't have any nightmares. The fact that he might be dreaming of my death, and that is why he is so peaceful, is another story.
That I do not think about.

I lightly remove a blond curl from his forehead, and then stroke him over his hair. I make sure to keep an eye on every single move that he takes, because just the smallest touch from me, could mean him trying to kill me. He does not notice my presence at all. Luckily.

I carefully plant a kiss on his forehead, like I have done before in the Games. I just cannot help myself. Just one second after, he starts to move and I quickly pull away from him.

Oh boy, now the day has offcially started. I look around for this little earplug thingy, that Beetee made for me, so he can help me.

But then I remember that I gave it to Haymitch yesterday, and that it was Friday yesterday, meaning that Haymitch has been "socially drinking" with Beetee and Plutarch. Which I know he does not do. He just drinks more on Fridays.

"Katniss?" Peeta is awake. I look over at him. "Yes?"

"Did you touch me? Before?" I freeze for a second. What am I supposed to answer? If I say no, he'll either know that I am lying, and lose trust, or he'll be scared, because obviously someone touched him. But if I say yes, he might freak out. He could be fine with it, but I doubt that.

But like my prayer had been answered, the door to Peeta's room opens, and Haymitch and Effie walks in.

"Hey sweetheart!" Haymitch yells, and Effie, who is holding his hand, giggles, then waves at me and Peeta.

Haymitch and Effie have been acting very weird strangely the lasy couple of weeks. They are holding hands, Haymitch drinks less, Effie uses less makeup, Haymitch bathes and Effie is growing out her natural hair.

I give Haymitch a sign to help me with Peeta, without him being able to hear us. The sign is the three-finger-salute, without me raising my arm. Haymitch quickly let's go of Effie's hand, and gets down to me. I excuse myself from Peeta and me and Haymitch goes out to the bathroom.

I tell Haymitch about Peeta's question and what I did. Haymitch replies: "You can't tell him no, he won't believe you." He takes a short break, then continues: "Tell him that a spider was crawling on his forehead, so you removed it, and kill- no, you cannot tell him that you killed the spider. Say that you let it out through the window.

Haymitch is right. I can't lie to Peeta, but I also can't tell him the truth. If it involves kissing, that is. And saying that I killed something, even if it's just a spider, could make him freak out.

"You are right. Thank you Haymitch."

"You are doing a great job, Katniss. We might be able to save this kid. Oh, I almost forgot," Haymitch hands me the earplug and.. A present?

"Happy birthday!" I completely forgot about my birthday. I thank Haymitch and walk back to Peeta. He is still in bed. Not weird since he is tied down.

What is that?" he is referring to the neatly wrapped, probably Effie's work, package.

"It is my birthday today. I had actually forgotten."

He looks at me, while I put my earplug in. Then he asks me about the touching thing again. I give him Haymitch's white lie, and say: "Let's get you hooked up to the Machine."

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now