Chapter 12

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Katniss' POV
I walk into my room, trying to figure out what to pack. I lock my door, just in case Gale would come running or something like that.

I don't really have any suitcases or bags, to put anything in, as far as I know. I walk over to my closet, and as usual, I am about to drown in Capitol dresses when I open it. In the bottom of the closet, I actually find a pretty big suitcase and a couple of bags. How much stuff do they think I'm bringing home?

I pick out the few clothing items, that I actually like, and pack them in the suitcase. I wrap shirts around the framed quotes Haymitch gave me. There's a little pocket where I put Peeta's pearl and the locket that Haymitch gave me into the pocket. The locket Peeta gave me, is around my neck. I still have loads of room in the suitcase, plus the two bags, and I am already- wait.

Peeta's trophies and painting supplies. (And Buttercup, of course)

The stuff that I basically stole from his home. He is going to lose it, if he gets home and it's not there.


When I get to Peeta's room something has changed. The guards are not guarding the door and all the locks have been taken down. I knock before I enter. Peeta is laying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Hey," I say.


"You're done packing?" I ask, looking around for a suitcase.

"I'm not packing anything that is from here. Not from this hell hole. Besides, all the stuff that I care about is at home anyways," He shrugs.

That's not completely true, I think to myself.

"So, you're not busy?" I ask him. I can tell that he isn't, it's just a formality, before I drag him into my room.

"No, why?" He looks at me, confused.

"I have to show you something," I say, as I walk over to him, pulling him out of the bed, and towards the door.


"Okay, so before I show you anything, I want to explain myself," I say, as he dumps down on my bed.
"When I was visiting Twelve, I obviously didn't know that we were going home so soon, and when we left you had just been acting all muttish, and I thought that this could help you remember who you are, but according to Dr. Aurelius, you are already doing a pretty good job yourself, aren't you?" I smile at him.

"I guess, I mean, did you see my door?" He laughs. He slams his hands together, looking like a child on Christmas. "What is it?"

I remove a blanket covering everything. When he sees everything, he freezes.

"Holy shi-" He cuts himself off, placing a hand on his mouth, covering it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your pri-" I can feel his ams around my waist, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck, lightly. "Thank you so much," he mumbles into my hair.

"You're welcome," I say into his shoulder.

A few moments pass and we part ways, stopping the hug from being uncomfortably intimate. For a second, we just stand there.

"Thank you again," he says under his breath.

"You're welcome again," I smile at him.

"Now I actually have something to pack," he laughs.

"I'll help you carry it," I say.

"Katniss, you don't have to."

"But I want to," I grin. We both a couple of backs, made out of Peeta's shirts.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now