Chapter 11

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Katniss' POV
When I wake up, I have trouble remembering where I am.
I look around to see white walls, dark-wood flooring, a dresser, a mirror, three doors and The Machine. Now I remember where I am.

I lift my head up from Peeta's chest, rubbing my eyes. This is the first night in a long time where I haven't had any nightmares. Well, that's not comepletely true. I did come here because of the nightmares. But still.

I can feel turning, so I say: "Morning."

"Wha--?" Peeta blinks with his eyes, then rubbing them. He squints at me, when he finally opens his eye--


Out of shock, I fall down from the bed, landing on the hard, cold floor. I land on my tailbone.

"Ouch," I mumble, rubbbing my butt.

I look up at a startled Peeta. He probably also forgot that I was in here. But it doesn't matter that he got scared when he saw me. Because I can still feel his arm around me. I have him wrapped around my little finger, and I'm not letting loose any time soon.

Peeta's POV
I'm confused. Why exactly was she in my bed? Right now she is laying on the floor, after I practically pushed her off. By accident, that is.

She is smiling to herself in a weird way, not looking at anything in particular. Just staring at nothing. That girl is so undreadable. I mean, what is our relationship even? I know that I am hijacked, and I will never recover fully, but I did love her once. Do I still love her? Is that why first instinct is always to protect her, just like she told me on the mission:

"Real. Because that's what you and I do, protect each other."

Is that what's happening right now? No matter how much of an enemy I see her has, I still protect her when she's vulnerable. I'll always do that. Always.

The word makes me freeze, and I think that I might have said it out loud, because Katniss turns to me, saying: "What?"

"Oh nothing," I say in a sleepy, raspy morning voice. "Sorry I practically shoved you off the bed."

"Don't worry about it. I think I fell, actually.You scared me when you screamed."

"Yeah," I chuckle. "You scared me too."

I don't receive and answer, just a light giggle that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Is this what she used to make me feel like all the time? God, I was cheesy.
It's quite sad when you think about it. If a person who didn't know who I was, saw me in the streets, they would have never guessed that I am a total sofite. Or was, at least.

Katniss invites herself back into bed, and once again I swing my arm around her. I might not know where"um I stand with her, and she knows that I could turn into a mutt anytime, so it's her own fault if something happens, but I realize that I actually like having my arm around her. It gives me some sort of comfort.


The door flies up, and we get so startled that Katniss falls out of the bed again.

"Hello Peeta! How are y--" Effie stops when she sees Katniss stand up. "-ou, my dear," she finishes, almost whispering.

She straightens, and look at both us.

"I guess I'll be able to kill two birds with one stone, now that both of you are here," she tells us.

"We have some good and weird news on the program today, so we'd love for you two to join Haymitch, Plutarch, Beetee and I, at breakfast today," she almost squeals, clapping her hands together.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now